Disney Releases Woke “Proud Family” Kids Show – Radical Children’s Show Pushes BLM Marxism, Anti-White Racism and Reparations (VIDEO)

Disney Releases Woke “Proud Family” Kids Show – Radical Children’s Show Pushes BLM Marxism, Anti-White Racism and Reparations (VIDEO)

Disney Releases Woke “Proud Family” Kids Show – Radical Children’s Show Pushes BLM Marxism, Anti-White Racism and Reparations (VIDEO) The woke Disney company has once again proven its hateful, anti-American bias. Woke Disney is teaching our children to be angry young communists, who hate themselves and hate their own country. The second season of the…

Texas: More Than 35,000 Austin Energy Customers STILL Without Power After Last Week’s Ice Storm

Texas: More Than 35,000 Austin Energy Customers STILL Without Power After Last Week’s Ice Storm

Texas: More Than 35,000 Austin Energy Customers STILL Without Power After Last Week’s Ice Storm More than 35,000 Austin Energy customers are still without power after last week’s ice storm. Texas got hit with a cold snap last week. Freezing rain, sleet and ice created dangerous conditions for drivers across parts of the state. WATCH:…

Prostitutes Solicit Sex Next to Catholic Elementary School in Oakland After Newsom Signs Law Ending Loitering Arrests For Prostitution (VIDEO)

Prostitutes Solicit Sex Next to Catholic Elementary School in Oakland After Newsom Signs Law Ending Loitering Arrests For Prostitution (VIDEO)

Prostitutes Solicit Sex Next to Catholic Elementary School in Oakland After Newsom Signs Law Ending Loitering Arrests For Prostitution (VIDEO) Meanwhile in the Democrat hellhole of California… Prostitutes are now soliciting johns next to a St. Anthony’s K-8 Catholic grade school in Oakland all hours of the day after Governor Newsom signed a law ending…

Lawsuit: US Postal Service Accused of Sharing Private With Unions From Data Of Customers Applying for Free Covid Tests

Lawsuit: US Postal Service Accused of Sharing Private With Unions From Data Of Customers Applying for Free Covid Tests

Lawsuit: US Postal Service Accused of Sharing Private With Unions From Data Of Customers Applying for Free Covid Tests A lawsuit filed by the union watchdog group Americans For Fair Treatment (AFFT) alleges that the US Postal Service may have shared the private information of as many as 68 million households, who requested free Covid tests,…

Here is a List of the US Military Bases in the Path of the China Spy Balloon As it Traversed Across the Continental United States

Here is a List of the US Military Bases in the Path of the China Spy Balloon As it Traversed Across the Continental United States

Here is a List of the US Military Bases in the Path of the China Spy Balloon As it Traversed Across the Continental United States The China spy balloon tracking model over the continental US. On Saturday the Biden regime admitted the China spy balloon crossing the continental US was first spotted a week earlier…

Conservative Trump Supporter CJ Pearson Launches “The Wrap Up” Weekend News Show at PragerU – Here is His First Episode

Conservative Trump Supporter CJ Pearson Launches “The Wrap Up” Weekend News Show at PragerU – Here is His First Episode

Conservative Trump Supporter CJ Pearson Launches “The Wrap Up” Weekend News Show at PragerU – Here is His First Episode The Wrap Up host CJ Pearson with PragerU CJ Pearson has been in the news since he was a young conservative pro-Trump teenager. Black Teen Activist CJ Pearson Called “Uncle Tom” and “N*gger” for Endorsing…

Study Reveals: Several Chicago Neighborhoods Riskier for Young Men Than What U.S. Troops Faced in Iraq and Afghanistan

Study Reveals: Several Chicago Neighborhoods Riskier for Young Men Than What U.S. Troops Faced in Iraq and Afghanistan

Study Reveals: Several Chicago Neighborhoods Riskier for Young Men Than What U.S. Troops Faced in Iraq and Afghanistan A new report published in the medical journal JAMA Network Open found that the most violent ZIP code in Chicago is even deadlier for young men between the ages of 18-29 than what U.S. soldiers faced in Iraq…

Sounds About Right: University of Chicago Taps Losers Beto O’Rourke and Tim Ryan to Teach Politics

Sounds About Right: University of Chicago Taps Losers Beto O’Rourke and Tim Ryan to Teach Politics

Sounds About Right: University of Chicago Taps Losers Beto O’Rourke and Tim Ryan to Teach Politics Robert “Beto” O’Rourke (L) and Tim Ryan (R) When they aren’t hosting no-whites allowed events or teaching classes on “The Problem of Whiteness”, the University of Chicago is courting losers to teach at the insitution. Robert “Beto” O’Rourke and…

China Issues Statement on US Shooting Down of Balloon: “A Clear Overreaction and a Serious Violation of International Practice”

China Issues Statement on US Shooting Down of Balloon: “A Clear Overreaction and a Serious Violation of International Practice”

China Issues Statement on US Shooting Down of Balloon: “A Clear Overreaction and a Serious Violation of International Practice” The Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a statement Saturday night (Sunday morning Beijing time) on the shooting down by the U.S. of a Chinese balloon over the Atlantic Ocean after it had traversed the United States from…

STUDY: Ugly People Are More Likely To Continue Wearing COVID Masks

STUDY: Ugly People Are More Likely To Continue Wearing COVID Masks

STUDY: Ugly People Are More Likely To Continue Wearing COVID Masks Is this why people are still wearing masks? A new study from Seoul National University in South Korea found that ugly people are more likely to continue wearing COVID masks in the post-COVID era. Outkick reported: Specifically, young and middle-aged Americans who view themselves…