Trump Attacks FOX News for ‘Pushing Democrat Agenda’ – Vows to Help “Low Rating CNN” if it Goes ‘Conservative’

Trump Attacks FOX News for ‘Pushing Democrat Agenda’ – Vows to Help “Low Rating CNN” if it Goes ‘Conservative’

Trump Attacks FOX News for ‘Pushing Democrat Agenda’ – Vows to Help “Low Rating CNN” if it Goes ‘Conservative’

It’s no secret that FOX News as an organization is not a fan of President Trump. They proved this on election night 2020 by using Never-Trumpers Chris Wallace and others to demean Trump voters. Since election night, many of these Trump supporters, who together make up the greatest political base in the history of the United States, have not returned to FOX.

On Sunday, former President Trump criticized FOX News for continuing to push the Democrats and their agenda, while also vowing to help competing network CNN become a “gold mine” if it becomes more conservative.

“Wow! Fox News is really pushing the Democrats and the Democrat agenda,” Trump wrote on his own social media, Truth Social.

“Gets worse every single day. So many Dems interviewed with only softball questions, then Republican counterparts get creamed,” Trump added.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported the infamous attempt by Bret Baier to attack Kari Lake that ended horribly for the FOX News host.

FOX News only invited Kari Lake once on prime time in 7 months and it was an ambush interview.

In June, FOX News host Bret Baier invited Kari Lake on before the GOP primary election.

Kari had Bret Baier flushed with anger after she chewed him up and spit him out!

“I am really shocked. I am actually appalled that FOX News would take a defamatory story like that, and we are pursuing legal action against this drag queen. I am appalled you would bring that up when you have not talked about our stolen election. You failed to talk about that… I am really disappointed in FOX, I thought you were better than CNN,” Lake rebutted.

Trump continued, “RINO Karl Rove is unwatchable, very negative, and on all the time – Has a big record of losing! Not an easy place to be as a Republican, especially with all of the “pervert” purchased ads.”

It can be recalled that RINO Karl Rove conspired with Sheena Greitens to contrive FALSE ACCUSATIONS against Eric Greitens, as reported by TGP.

In March, Eric Greitens’s attorney was in Washington, DC, and announced that he filed four subpoenas to obtain phone records detailing when Sheena Greitens’s corresponded with Karl Rove, warning the candidate’s ex-wife was exploited by Rove who persuaded her into committing perjury.

Eric Greitens was on The Joe Hoft Show and he alleged how a group of RINOs got together and encouraged Greiten’s ex-wife to make false allegations against the former governor.  The problem is the allegations were in direct opposition to her prior statements. You can watch the interview here.

Lastly, Trump said, “if “low ratings” CNN ever went Conservative, they would be an absolute gold mine, and I would help them to do so!”

New CNN Boss Chris Licht has now reportedly told CNN anchors to stop using the term “the big lie” to describe 2020 election fraud – Licht pointed out that this line is the same one used by Democrats.

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Author: Jim Hoft