
There’s More! Hunter Biden’s Closest Business Partner Made 8 Additional White House Visits in 2016 – At Least 27 Times Total

Hunter Biden’s business partner, Eric Schwerin, visited the Obama White House 19 times, according to visitor logs reviewed by The New York Post:

Hunter Biden’s closest business partner made at least 19 visits to the White House and other official locations between 2009 and 2015, including a sitdown with then-Vice President Joe Biden in the West Wing.

Visitor logs from the White House of former President Barack Obama reviewed by The Post cast further doubt over Joe Biden’s claims that he knew nothing of his son’s dealings.

Eric Schwerin met with Vice President Biden on November 17, 2010 in the West Wing, when he was the president of the since-dissolved investment fund Rosemont Seneca Partners.

The logs also reveal that Schwerin met with various close aides of both Joe and Jill Biden at key moments in Hunter’s life when he was striking multi-million dollar deals in foreign countries, including China. Yet President Biden has long insisted he had no involvement in his son’s foreign affairs. “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” he said in 2019.

Now this…

Eric Schwerin made 8 additional White House visits in 2016, according to visitor logs reviewed by Fox News.

That means Hunter Biden’s closest business partner visited the White House at least 27 times while Joe Biden was Vice President.

Eric Schwerin also had a sit-down meeting with Joe Biden.

Fox News reported:

Hunter Biden’s longtime business partner Eric Schwerin visited the White House at least eight times in 2016, meeting with then-Vice President Biden’s chief of staff Steve Ricchetti, who currently serves as Biden’s White House counselor, and an assistant in Biden’s office who used to work at the investment firm Schwerin and Hunter managed.

Those eight additional visits, in addition to 19 previously known Schwerin visits, bring his total number of White House visits during the Obama-Biden administration to 27.

Schwerin, the president of since-dissolved investment fund Rosemont Seneca Partners, visited Ricchetti at least twice in 2016. The two visits occurred in room 272 on Feb. 29 and room 276 on Aug. 17 at the Old Executive Office Building (OEOB), according to the 2016 White House visitor logs.

Ricchetti has been a longtime adviser to President Biden and served as his chief of staff from 2013 to 2017. He now serves as Biden’s White House counselor.

Schwerin also met with Anne Marie Person, who served as a general assistant at Rosemont until 2014 before joining Biden’s office, at least three times between February and June 2016, a Fox News Digital review found. According to White House visitor logs, Schwerin met her in Biden’s “West Wi[ng]” office on Feb. 24, April 8, and June 9. It is unclear if Biden was present for the meetings.

Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed he was never involved with Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings.

This of course is a brazen lie.

The Daily Mail obtained an email revealing Joe Biden paid for Hunter Biden’s legal bill for a deal with Communist China.

A newly released email from 2019 shows Hunter Biden’s assistant Katie Dodge telling book-keeper Linda Shapero and Biden aide Richard Ruffner that Joe Biden agreed to pay Hunter’s legal bills that amounted to more than $730,000.

Joe Biden also had $5.2 million in unexplained income, according to documents reviewed by the Daily Mail.

The post There’s More! Hunter Biden’s Closest Business Partner Made 8 Additional White House Visits in 2016 – At Least 27 Times Total appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.