“Fake Stories… No Cross Examination, No Real Republicans, No Lawyers… Unselects Should Be Forced to Disband.” – President Trump on Corrupt Jan 6 Committee

“Fake Stories… No Cross Examination, No Real Republicans, No Lawyers… Unselects Should Be Forced to Disband.” – President Trump on Corrupt Jan 6 Committee

“Fake Stories… No Cross Examination, No Real Republicans, No Lawyers… Unselects Should Be Forced to Disband.” – President Trump on Corrupt Jan 6 Committee

President Trump shared some more on the Unselect Committee and the corrupt fairy tales they are trying to tell.  What a disgrace these Trump haters are. 

Yesterday President Trump shared his observations on the Jan 6 Committee.

President Trump Responds to Fraudulent Allegations by Surprise Witness Cassidy Hutchinson “A Total Phony and Leaker”

Today the President has more to share.  He started off discussing yesterday’s Jan 6 show trial.  How could someone want to be with President Trump after Jan 6 if this person believed that the President tried to take over the driver of the limousine on Jan 6?  Yesterday’s witness turned into another garbage can of rotten veggies!

The star witness of the show trials yesterday turned out to be a big liar.  She was caught before she was done.  Now we know multiple lies that she shared.

How long was Ms. Hutchinson waiting before dropping her bomb on the President?  How many more people were inserted in his Administration to harm President Trump?

President Trump is right to share that Americans have lost all confidence in the media and our elections.  The WaPo and the NYTimes are jokes to average Americans seeking the truth.  The reason is the truth about President Trump is never shared by these corrupt far-left outfits.  They are non-relevant now.

We must make it so an American President never has to go through the abusive tactics of Nazi leftists like President Trump has had to endure.  We must demand a total cleansing of the government with the haters like those on this committee held accountable for their sedition and election steal coverup crimes.

The post “Fake Stories… No Cross Examination, No Real Republicans, No Lawyers… Unselects Should Be Forced to Disband.” – President Trump on Corrupt Jan 6 Committee appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Joe Hoft