Antisemitic Incidents Hit All-time High in U.S. — Under Joe Biden
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Antisemitic Incidents Hit All-time High in U.S. — Under Joe Biden

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) reported Tuesday that the number of recoded antisemitic incidents reached an all-time high in 2021, the first year of President Joe Biden’s administration, after he campaigned on stopping the rise of extremism.

Flow of Fentanyl into American Communities Quadruples Under Biden
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Flow of Fentanyl into American Communities Quadruples Under Biden

Four times as much fentanyl is flowing across the United States-Mexico border under President Joe Biden compared to two years prior when former President Trump was in office.

Exclusive–Meet the Father Fighting America’s Fentanyl Crisis for His Slain Daughter: ‘When Will Our Govt Take Action’ Against China, Drug Cartels?
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Exclusive–Meet the Father Fighting America’s Fentanyl Crisis for His Slain Daughter: ‘When Will Our Govt Take Action’ Against China, Drug Cartels?

RIVERSIDE COUNTY, California — Matt Capelouto never imagined he would be where he is today, on the front lines of a drug epidemic far deadlier than the Afghanistan War, the Iraq War, the Chinese coronavirus, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

Jacqueline Avant Killer Bragged L.A. Prosecutors Would Let Him Out of Prison
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Jacqueline Avant Killer Bragged L.A. Prosecutors Would Let Him Out of Prison

The man who pleaded guilty to murdering black philanthropist Jacqueline Avant last year laughed in a jailhouse call laughed about shooting her in the back and bragged that he would leave prison early because Los Angeles prosecutors did not ask

Exclusive — Chief James Craig Rips ‘Woke Prosecutors’: ‘Bad Guys Know There’s No Consequences’ for Crime
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Exclusive — Chief James Craig Rips ‘Woke Prosecutors’: ‘Bad Guys Know There’s No Consequences’ for Crime

Former Detroit Police Chief James Craig believes rooting out “woke prosecutors” and “woke judges” is critical to overcoming nationwide crime waves, providing his view on the matter in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday.