Bob Menendez wants a private audience with Dem senators tomorrow amid calls to resign

Bob Menendez wants a private audience with Dem senators tomorrow amid calls to resign

Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) has asked to speak to the Senate Democratic caucus on Thursday as he faces mounting calls to resign following his indictment, according to one of his colleagues.

Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) told POLITICO on Wednesday that Menendez had made the request and he’d like to afford the embattled New Jerseyan that courtesy.

A Senate aide confirmed, speaking on condition of anonymity, that Democratic offices are aware of a special caucus meeting tomorrow with no subject matter outlined — indicating that time for Menendez to speak could likely be on the agenda.

Menendez’s spokesperson did not immediately respond to an inquiry on the meeting request that Warner revealed.

More than half of Senate Democrats have called on Menendez to resign, including Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), who is No. 2 in caucus leadership. Menendez pleaded not guilty to corruption charges earlier Wednesday.

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