Joe Biden Gets Lost Again After Speech at Semiconductor Plant (VIDEO)

Joe Biden Gets Lost Again After Speech at Semiconductor Plant (VIDEO)

Joe Biden Gets Lost Again After Speech at Semiconductor Plant (VIDEO) Joe got lost again. Joe Biden on Tuesday traveled to Durham, North Carolina to visit a semiconductor plant. Biden needed guidance as soon as he arrived to the plant. A handler was caught on a hot mic giving Biden basic instructions on how to…

FBI Informant Jen Loh Infiltrated Proud Boys Defense During Trial – Prayed with Protesters and Their Families – Now She Speaks Out to CNN After She Was Outed

FBI Informant Jen Loh Infiltrated Proud Boys Defense During Trial – Prayed with Protesters and Their Families – Now She Speaks Out to CNN After She Was Outed

FBI Informant Jen Loh Infiltrated Proud Boys Defense During Trial – Prayed with Protesters and Their Families – Now She Speaks Out to CNN After She Was Outed Jennilyn Lohmar Salinas or “Jen Loh” Proud Boys defense attorneys revealed last week that their defense team was infiltrated for months and during the trial by an…

Litigation From Hell: Satanic Group Takes to the Courts – Defends ‘Satanic After-School Clubs’ – Says Abortion Is a ‘Religious Right’

Litigation From Hell: Satanic Group Takes to the Courts – Defends ‘Satanic After-School Clubs’ – Says Abortion Is a ‘Religious Right’

Litigation From Hell: Satanic Group Takes to the Courts – Defends ‘Satanic After-School Clubs’ – Says Abortion Is a ‘Religious Right’ Satanism is rapidly expanding in the US, and it has gained a hold of the culture, in many aspects. In the music business and in Hollywood, Satanism is all the rage and a lot…

EXCLUSIVE: O’Keefe Media Group’s Upcoming Exposé Will Confirm Financial Fraud Scheme Previously Uncovered By The Gateway Pundit

EXCLUSIVE: O’Keefe Media Group’s Upcoming Exposé Will Confirm Financial Fraud Scheme Previously Uncovered By The Gateway Pundit

EXCLUSIVE: O’Keefe Media Group’s Upcoming Exposé Will Confirm Financial Fraud Scheme Previously Uncovered By The Gateway Pundit James O’Keefe’s new O’Keefe Media Group is expected to start dropping its investigation into the Democratic Party’s nationwide crime ring of donation harvesting and possible money laundering today. The videos are expected to rock the world. On Monday,…

REPORT: John Fetterman Has Missed Over 80 Percent of Senate Roll Call Votes Since Checking Into Hospital

REPORT: John Fetterman Has Missed Over 80 Percent of Senate Roll Call Votes Since Checking Into Hospital

REPORT: John Fetterman Has Missed Over 80 Percent of Senate Roll Call Votes Since Checking Into Hospital Since checking himself into a hospital for depression on February 15th, Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman has missed over 80% of roll call votes. The people of Pennsylvania essentially have a no-show represntative in the Senate. The man obviously…

Trans Activists Burn Harry Potter Books (VIDEO)

Trans Activists Burn Harry Potter Books (VIDEO)

Trans Activists Burn Harry Potter Books (VIDEO) A transgender activist recently made a video of a Harry Potter book being burned. Author JK Rowling is regularly targeted by trans activists because she believes in things like biology. The left is fond of making Hitler comparisons. Will any of them point out the obvious comparison here?…

Liberal College Professor Placed on Leave for Suggesting it’s OK to Murder Conservative Speakers

Liberal College Professor Placed on Leave for Suggesting it’s OK to Murder Conservative Speakers

Liberal College Professor Placed on Leave for Suggesting it’s OK to Murder Conservative Speakers A professor at Wayne State University has been placed on leave after suggesting on social media that rather than shouting down conservative speakers on campus, it’s OK to murder them instead. Higher education in America has become completely dominated by the…

BREAKING: Rand Paul Staffer Stabbed Multiple Times with Knife in Broad Daylight

BREAKING: Rand Paul Staffer Stabbed Multiple Times with Knife in Broad Daylight

BREAKING: Rand Paul Staffer Stabbed Multiple Times with Knife in Broad Daylight A Rand Paul staffer was stabbed multiple times with a knife in broad daylight in DC over the weekend. The news of the stabbing just broke Monday afternoon. The staffer is alive. According to charging documents, victim was attacked at random after leaving…

Monday’s Mystery Witness Revealed: Former National Enquirer Publisher Testifies Before Manhattan Grand Jury

Monday’s Mystery Witness Revealed: Former National Enquirer Publisher Testifies Before Manhattan Grand Jury

Monday’s Mystery Witness Revealed: Former National Enquirer Publisher Testifies Before Manhattan Grand Jury The New York City Grand Jury investigating the junk charges against President Trump reconvened on Monday. Trump has been accused of paying Daniels ‘hush payments’ through his then-attorney Michael Cohen in a scheme to silence her and stop the story about their…