Barack Obama – Who Pushed for Sex Education in Kindergarten – Is Very Sad Porn Books for Children are Being Banned in Several US Schools

Barack Obama – Who Pushed for Sex Education in Kindergarten – Is Very Sad Porn Books for Children are Being Banned in Several US Schools

Barack Obama – Who Pushed for Sex Education in Kindergarten – Is Very Sad Porn Books for Children are Being Banned in Several US Schools Never Forget — Barack Obama is behind the push to teach sex education to little children. Back in July 2007, as The Gateway Pundit reported at the time, Barack Obama…

‘Prison Karen’ Ghislaine Maxwell Having a Hard Time Behind Bars, Scolded for Not Showering – Wants to Be Moved to FCI Danbury ‘Club Fed’

‘Prison Karen’ Ghislaine Maxwell Having a Hard Time Behind Bars, Scolded for Not Showering – Wants to Be Moved to FCI Danbury ‘Club Fed’

‘Prison Karen’ Ghislaine Maxwell Having a Hard Time Behind Bars, Scolded for Not Showering – Wants to Be Moved to FCI Danbury ‘Club Fed’ Any kind of association with the Jeffrey Epstein influence-peddling and sex-trafficking ring has lately become a stain that is difficult to wash away from one’s reputation. Just how difficult it is…

Muslim Billionaire Wins Permission to Turn London’s Famous Landmark in Piccadilly Circus Into Giant 3-Story Super Mosque

Muslim Billionaire Wins Permission to Turn London’s Famous Landmark in Piccadilly Circus Into Giant 3-Story Super Mosque

Muslim Billionaire Wins Permission to Turn London’s Famous Landmark in Piccadilly Circus Into Giant 3-Story Super Mosque London Trocadero You’re gonna love the new London! Muslim billionaire Asif Aziz is moving full steam ahead to turn a famous London landmark into a giant, 3-story super mosque. The new super mosque may be named ‘Piccadilly Prayer…

First Korean Transgender Athlete Wins Women’s Cycling Competition and Delivers a Shocking Message to the World

First Korean Transgender Athlete Wins Women’s Cycling Competition and Delivers a Shocking Message to the World

First Korean Transgender Athlete Wins Women’s Cycling Competition and Delivers a Shocking Message to the World Last month, Korean cyclist Na Hwa-rin competed at the Gangwon Sports Festival in Gangwon Province.  The 37 year-old transgender athlete underwent gender-affirming surgery in Seoul in 2022 and received a new birth certificate that expressed their gender as “female”. …

The corporate gig Katie Porter erased from her whiteboard

The corporate gig Katie Porter erased from her whiteboard

The corporate gig Katie Porter erased from her whiteboard California Rep. Katie Porter has won acclaim in Washington as an unrelenting antagonist of big banks. But in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, a major industry player turned to her for advice. Porter was hired in 2015 as a consultant for Ocwen Financial Corporation,…

A group of GOP centrists threatens hardline tactics on tax bill

A group of GOP centrists threatens hardline tactics on tax bill

A group of GOP centrists threatens hardline tactics on tax bill A group of House Republican centrists is taking a page from their hardliner colleagues, demanding critical changes to their party’s signature tax plan — and threatening to hold the bill up until they get it. A small band of Republicans from New York, New…

CIA Leaking Like a Sieve As It Blames Ukraine for Impending Debacle

CIA Leaking Like a Sieve As It Blames Ukraine for Impending Debacle

CIA Leaking Like a Sieve As It Blames Ukraine for Impending Debacle I want to thank one of my readers, Paul S., for flagging this remarkable and hilarious Newsweek article, written by Bill Arkin, that is a classic example of the CIA throwing Ukraine under the bus and eschewing blame for the military disaster looming…

Kamala Harris Tells Word Salad About Having a ‘Jesse Jackson For President’ Bumper Sticker on Her Car (VIDEO)

Kamala Harris Tells Word Salad About Having a ‘Jesse Jackson For President’ Bumper Sticker on Her Car (VIDEO)

Kamala Harris Tells Word Salad About Having a ‘Jesse Jackson For President’ Bumper Sticker on Her Car (VIDEO) Kamala Harris on Sunday delivered remarks at Jesse Jackson’s retirement party in Chicago, Illinois. Jesse Jackson retired from his post as head of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, a civil rights group he founded in the 1970s. Harris’s…

WATCH: Don Jr.’s Impression of Joy Reid Reacting to the Supreme Court Overturning Affirmative Action is Everything

WATCH: Don Jr.’s Impression of Joy Reid Reacting to the Supreme Court Overturning Affirmative Action is Everything

WATCH: Don Jr.’s Impression of Joy Reid Reacting to the Supreme Court Overturning Affirmative Action is Everything Donald Trump Jr. spoke at Turning Point Action Conference on Sunday in West Palm Beach. Don Jr. summed up ‘Affirmative Action’ in a few sentences and the crowd went wild. His impression of Joy Reid was spot on….

Steve Bannon Declares a HOLY WAR Against the Deep State (VIDEO)

Steve Bannon Declares a HOLY WAR Against the Deep State (VIDEO)

Steve Bannon Declares a HOLY WAR Against the Deep State (VIDEO) Steve Bannon on Saturday delivered a fiery speech at the Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach, Florida. As Bannon took the stage he wasted no time sharing just how urgent it is for Republicans to get their act together. The Host of…