Biden’s Disinformation Chief: ‘There Are Many Non-Binary People Who Give Birth’
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Biden’s Disinformation Chief: ‘There Are Many Non-Binary People Who Give Birth’

The woman Biden chose to be the government-sanctioned arbiter of truth believes “there are many non-binary people who give birth.”

Disinformation Czar Nina Jankowicz: American Elections Need ‘Single, Unifying Candidate’
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Disinformation Czar Nina Jankowicz: American Elections Need ‘Single, Unifying Candidate’

Nina Jankowicz, who leads the new Disinformation Governance Board in the Department of Homeland Security, said in 2020 that American democracy needed a “single, unifying candidate” rather than alternatives on the left or on the right.

Biden’s ‘Minister of Truth’ Nina Jankowicz Called for Facebook to Censor Breitbart
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Biden’s ‘Minister of Truth’ Nina Jankowicz Called for Facebook to Censor Breitbart

Nina Jankowicz, the chair of the new Disinformation Governance Board in the Department of Homeland Security, wanted Facebook to censor Breitbart News, joining the left’s calls for Silicon Valley to censor conservative news outlets in 2019.

US should rejoin JCPOA if it really fears a nuclear Iran

US should rejoin JCPOA if it really fears a nuclear Iran

The prospect of a nuclearized Middle East underscores the need for more diplomacy, not less The White House on April 26 expressed concern that Iran is allegedly accelerating its nuclear program, saying Tehran could obtain sufficient fissile material for one nuclear bomb within weeks. The remarks echoed those previously coming from the Department of State,…

Sweden failed to integrate immigrants – prime minister

Sweden failed to integrate immigrants – prime minister

Amid violent riots Magdalena Andersson has admitted serious flaws in country’s migrant policy Segregation in Swedish society has gone “too far” and the integration of immigrants is “too poor,” Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson admitted on Thursday, following the violent riots there earlier this month. The unrest erupted after an anti-Muslim politician, Rasmus Paludan, announced a burning…

Dems reserve $33M in bid to hold Senate

Dems reserve $33M in bid to hold Senate

Senate Democrats’ campaign arm is reserving $33 million in advertisements this fall, with the bulk of its resources devoted to protecting the party’s quartet of embattled incumbents in the hopes of keeping their tenuous hold on the majority. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is plowing most of its initial reservation money into backing Sens. Catherine…

Thieves on Motorcycle Rob 6 Women in 90 Minutes in the Bronx (VIDEO)

Thieves on Motorcycle Rob 6 Women in 90 Minutes in the Bronx (VIDEO)

Meanwhile in the Democrat hellhole of New York City… Thieves on a motorcycle robbed 6 women in 90 minutes in the Pelham Bay section of the Bronx last Wednesday. According to police, the robbers punched 5 of victims in the face before stealing their purses. Fox 5 NY reported: Police in New York were looking…