Yale Psychiatrist Who Wanted to “Physically Restrain” Trump, Frog-March Him Out of White House Loses Bid to Get Her Job Back

Yale Psychiatrist Who Wanted to “Physically Restrain” Trump, Frog-March Him Out of White House Loses Bid to Get Her Job Back

Yale Psychiatrist Who Wanted to “Physically Restrain” Trump, Frog-March Him Out of White House Loses Bid to Get Her Job Back

A Yale psychiatrist who called for President Trump to be frog-marched out of the White House has lost her bid to get her job back.

In 2018, anti-Trump Yale professor Bandy Lee said she wanted to “physically restrain” President Trump, evaluate him in constraints and then frog-march him from office.

She was worried it may look like a coup.


Dr. Bandy Lee was not reappointed to her position at Yale after calling Trump “delusional” and claimed he is responsible for spreading a “shared psychosis” among his base of supporters.

Bandy Lee sued Yale University in an attempt to get her job back and she lost.

US District Judge Sarah A.L. Merriam, a Biden appointee dismissed Bandy Lee’s lawsuit.

The Hartford Courant reported:

U.S. District Judge Sarah A.L. Merriman dismissed a lawsuit against Yale University by Dr. Bandy Lee, whose assertions about the mental health of the former president made her a favorite in anti-Trump circles.

Lee argued in the suit that the university violated her speech rights and professional obligations by denying her reappointment because she exercised her “duty to warn” the public about what she said is the “contagion” of Trump’s mental instability.

When it denied Lee’s reappointment, the university said it had reservations about her judgment, professionalism and fitness to teach after she began making widely disseminated diagnoses of Trump and some in his inner circle without the benefit of having ever met or spoken with them.

Such long-distance diagnoses conflict with guidance from the American Psychiatric Association, of which Lee is not a member. It advises against giving professional opinions about the mental state of someone a psychiatrist has not personally evaluated. Lee called the admonition, known as the Goldwater Rule, a “gag order.”

“I want to emphasize that you did not make these statements as a layperson offering a political judgment; you made them explicitly in your professional capacity as a psychiatrist and on the basis of your psychiatric knowledge and judgment,” Dr. John Krystal, the chair of the Psychiatry Department, told Lee in a 2020 letter. “For that reason, the committee decided it was appropriate to consider how these statements reflected your ability to teach trainees.”

The post Yale Psychiatrist Who Wanted to “Physically Restrain” Trump, Frog-March Him Out of White House Loses Bid to Get Her Job Back appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Cristina Laila