WAYNE ROOT: President Trump, Here is How to Super-Charge “No Tax on Tips” and “No Tax on Social Security,” and Add 50 Million More Voters!
WAYNE ROOT: President Trump, Here is How to Super-Charge “No Tax on Tips” and “No Tax on Social Security,” and Add 50 Million More Voters!

By Wayne Allyn Root
Winning this election is about addition, not subtraction.
According to betting sites, President Trump has now moved to the odds-on favorite- a fantastic sign. And according to most polls, President Trump now has the lead in most, or all of the battleground states.
The three polls that are consistently most accurate- Democracy Institute, Rasmussen and Trafalgar- all show Trump ahead and moving in the right direction. The latest Democracy poll out on Friday shows Trump up by 3 points nationally, but most importantly, up 5 points in battleground states. That would result in an electoral landslide.
All of that is great news.
But we all know how much Democrats cheat. They will rig, and fix, and try to steal this election like never before. Democrats will most certainly carry out the largest voter fraud operation in world history- centered on mail-in ballots with no Voter ID, ballot harvesting, ballot drop boxes, and most importantly, registering to vote 20+ million new illegal aliens.
So, the key to Trump winning (besides limiting voter fraud) is to make it “too big to rig.” To get such an overwhelming margin of victory, that no amount of cheating can beat him, he has to bring out millions of additional voters beyond his base.
Here’s how to do it.
First, “no tax on tips” and “no tax on Social Security” are great ideas. I should know- I was the creator of “no tax on Social Security on Seniors.” I’ve lobbied for this idea for years in my columns, on my radio show, and on my TV shows. No one in America has ever fought for this idea
longer or louder.
I am so proud that President Trump listened and adopted my idea. Bravo.
But here’s how to supercharge “no tax on tips” and “no tax on Social Security for seniors.” It’s simple- promise to fight to make them RETROACTIVE for 2024.
In other words, because of the failing Biden-Harris economy, and because of the massive, worst-in-my-lifetime inflation caused by Biden-Harris, the middle class and senior citizens are stressed like never before. They can’t afford to live, pay their property taxes, pay for the needs of their kids and grandkids, or in many cases, pay for food and shelter. They need help.
Since Biden-Harris took office, the middle class and seniors have lost 20% to 30% of their purchasing power, due to the socialist policies and insane spending and debt of Democrats. So, let’s give them help as soon as possible. Make “no tax on tips” and “no tax on Social Security for seniors” RETRO-ACTIVE to the 2024 tax year.
I’m guessing President Trump can do that with Executive order, but if not, promise to fight to pass it in Congress. Americans can all use those lower taxes, or tax refunds, to compensate for this terrible Biden-Harris inflation! But they need the help sooner, rather than later.
Now, I also have two new wrinkles to add to President Trump’s economic plan…
First, add a new idea for every working American…
We have to get our nation back to work again. We have too many lazy freeloaders. We give away too much welfare and food stamps and a hundred other government handouts. We reward people who don’t work. How about for once, we reward the working man and woman, who works long hours and pays taxes into the system? With “No Tax on OT.”
From now on, when you work overtime, you get to keep it all! This is how we reward working men and women. This is how we encourage hard work. This is how we get the American economy moving again. When you work OT, you get to keep 100% of your OT money!
Guess what will happen- every worker will beg for OT. And when their boss gives them OT, they’ll beg for more! With “No Tax on OT” we will become the hardest working and most productive nation in the world again. Everyone wins- the workers, their employers and the US economy.
And then one more idea- a $2,000 annual tax credit for military veterans. Just like the child tax credit given to taxpayers with children under age 18. America recognizes how important children are, and families, by rewarding parents with a tax credit. Well, why don’t we recognize and reward veterans in the tax code too! What’s more important to America than military vets who sacrificed for our freedoms and our country? Let’s reward them with a $2,000 annual tax credit.
Do you see the “election addition” with my ideas?
By making “no tax on tips” and “no tax on seniors” retroactive for 2024, you supercharge these ideas, and double excite all the millions of service workers of America, and about 60 million senior citizens.
By adding a “military vet tax credit” you excite 16 million American vets.
And my crown jewel- by adding “No Tax on OT” you get the admiration, support and votes of every working man and woman in America. There are 134 million working men and women in America. That’s a lot of votes.
This is how we produce “too big to rig.”
And wait for tomorrow- I have a few creative ideas for how to limit voter fraud too.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch.
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Author: Assistant Editor