WATCH LIVE: Kari Lake’s Attorneys Give Oral Argument In Stolen Election Lawsuit Hearing

WATCH LIVE: Kari Lake’s Attorneys Give Oral Argument In Stolen Election Lawsuit Hearing

WATCH LIVE: Kari Lake’s Attorneys Give Oral Argument In Stolen Election Lawsuit Hearing

Kari Lake’s attorneys are back in court today for two hours of oral arguments over the Defendants’ motions to dismiss her lawsuit contesting the stolen Midterm Election. 

The Gateway Pundit reported on last week’s hearing, where Judge Peter Thompson set the schedule for this lawsuit.

Watch the full hearing from last Tuesday here.

BREAKING: AZ Judge Sets Schedule For Kari Lake Lawsuit Against Maricopa County – Motion To Dismiss Due By Thursday – Tentative Trial Scheduled for Next Week

The Gateway Pundit has written numerous reports on Kari Lake’s historic lawsuit to nullify and overturn the stolen Midterm Election or hold a new election free from conflicts of interest.

A Runbeck whistleblower revealed in Lake’s filing that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of ballots had no chain of custody documentation. This is a shocking and massive violation of the law. Twenty-five thousand ballots were added to Maricopa County’s totals after election day with no explanation of why the number of remaining ballots could increase. Also, tens if not HUNDREDS of thousands of mail-in ballots with mismatched signatures were illegally counted in violation of Arizona law.

We reported on a new discovery showing RINO Arizona House Speaker-elect Ben Toma’s clear conflict of interest and connection to Runbeck Election Services, the third-party company involved in the debacle outlined above.

The County also intentionally planned an in-person voting disaster on Election Day, where printers and tabulators failed at more than 59% of the 223 vote centers on Election Day. Voters on Election Day turned out for Kari Lake by a ratio of about 3:1.

No honest person believes this election was run fairly.

Kari Lake gave her first major speech since the stolen election last night at TPUSA’s AmericaFest, and she promised to never give up on her fight to secure Arizona’s elections.

WATCH: “I Identify as a PROUD Election-Denying Deplorable and My Pronouns are I WON” – Kari Lake Trolls Fake News Media in Her First Major Address Since the Stolen Election

Both sides are currently giving oral arguments on dismissing the case, and the trial will likely be on December 21 and 22.

Pray this Judge has the courage to do the right thing.

The hearing began at 9 am MST.

Watch live here. Search for Kari Lake on the Court Calendar.

Watch live on Youtube below:

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Author: Jordan Conradson