WATCH LIVE: Arizona’s Mohave County Board of Supervisors to Vote to HAND COUNT Ballots in 2024 – Questionably Elected AG Kris Mayes Threatens Criminal Prosecutions if They Vote Yes!

WATCH LIVE: Arizona’s Mohave County Board of Supervisors to Vote to HAND COUNT Ballots in 2024 – Questionably Elected AG Kris Mayes Threatens Criminal Prosecutions if They Vote Yes!

WATCH LIVE: Arizona’s Mohave County Board of Supervisors to Vote to HAND COUNT Ballots in 2024 – Questionably Elected AG Kris Mayes Threatens Criminal Prosecutions if They Vote Yes!

The Mohave County Board of Supervisors in Arizona is scheduled to vote today on an agenda item to, “approve and direct the Mohave County Elections Department to carry out hand tabulation of ballots for the 2024 elections.” 

The agenda item packet includes a letter from Kari Lake attorney Bryan Blehm vowing to defend the decision and cover all legal expenses, a letter from Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli, and a notification that the County has received “written commitment” covering the volunteers required to carry this out.

However, Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes, who stole her election by 280 votes, sent a letter to the Board yesterday, threatening prosecution, “for conducting an illegal hand count” and labeling people advising this hand count as, “bad-faith actors.” 

Read the full letter here.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, the Arizona Legislature passed Senate Concurrent Resolution 1037, setting official requirements for the use of electronic voting machines in the state and banning the use of those made with foreign components. State Senator Sonny Borrelli later fired off a letter to all Arizona County Supervisors, ordering their compliance with the lawful resolution.

Banning foreign-made voting equipment from countries like China is just common sense!

JUST IN: AZ State Senator Borrelli Throws Down The Gauntlet, ORDERS County Supervisors to Comply With SCR1037 Which Bans Foreign Voting Machines in Arizona

Article 1 Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution gives State Legislatures, not rogue Attorneys General, the power to, “regulate the ‘Times, Places and Manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives.’”

Kris Mayes is abusing her legal authority to place County Supervisors under duress and force a no-vote. This is election interference.

This is the same story as after the stolen midterm election when Katie Hobbs threatened to sue and press charges against County Supervisors across Arizona who refused to certify a rigged election where 60% of machines failed in the state’s largest County by far. “I vote aye under duress,” declared Mohave County Supervisor Ron Gould when signing off on the stolen election.

Leftwing journalist Jen Fifield reports,

Mohave County supervisors will vote Monday on whether to tally by hand all ballots cast in the county’s 2024 elections, including the November presidential election.

The supervisors, all Republicans, had previously considered hand-counting ballots but voted 3-2 against the idea in August after the county’s elections director conducted a trial and found it would cost around $1.1 million. The county is facing an $18 million budget deficit, and county supervisors cited that as a reason for rejecting the hand-count proposal.

One of the supervisors who voted no in August, Chairman Travis Lingenfelter, has now put the proposal back on the agenda for Monday’s supervisors meeting. If he switches his vote and no one else does, the hand count would move forward. He declined on Friday to speak with Votebeat until after Monday’s meeting.

State Attorney General Kris Mayes issued an opinion in May stating that counting the ballots by hand rather than using machines would be illegal, and Secretary of State Adrian Fontes wrote Mohave supervisors a letter in June telling them the same thing. Both are Democrats. State law does not explicitly say all ballots must be counted by machines, but Fontes and others say other sections of law imply it.

From Rachel Alexander, a fantastic and honest journalist, on X:

Here’s a meeting tomorrow you’re gonna wanna tune in to. The Mohave County Board of Supervisors will be voting tomorrow morning on whether to conduct a hand count in the 2024 election. So far it looks like the board is split, with one supervisor in the middle leaning towards voting the right way. Shame on the other two; the board is all Republicans. (they need to be voted out of office)

Obviously they’re under tremendous pressure, seeing how left-wing attorneys out of state funded lawsuits against the Cochise County Supervisors when they attempted to do the same thing in 2022, and now the alleged AZ AG Kris Mayes is prosecuting two of those supervisors. The meeting begins at 9 a.m. Monday. It’s agenda item 62, so might not get to until late in the morning, but due to the public expected to pack the meeting they might move it towards the beginning.

Watch here –

The meeting opened with public comment at 9:30 am MT, and the resolution is expected to be voted on near the end of the meeting.

Watch live below:

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Author: Jordan Conradson