WATCH: Far-left Rep. Rashida Tlaib Says Parents Speaking at School Board Meetings About CRT is ‘White Supremacy’

WATCH: Far-left Rep. Rashida Tlaib Says Parents Speaking at School Board Meetings About CRT is ‘White Supremacy’

WATCH: Far-left Rep. Rashida Tlaib Says Parents Speaking at School Board Meetings About CRT is ‘White Supremacy’

Far-left Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib has claimed that concerned parents speaking out at school board meetings about Critical Race Theory is “white supremacy.”

Tlaib made the comments during a virtual meeting of the Oakland County Democrat Party African American Committee.

The congresswoman was asked by a woman named Alexandria Hughes about the issue, saying that CRT “examines the systematic effects of white supremacy in America.”

“We can’t allow them to whitewash history,” Tlaib said. “Their intention is to try to, you know, expand on white supremacy.”

Hughes followed up by asking “how [candidates] will use your power to make sure K through 12 schools educators are able to build curriculums that bring awareness to the history of white supremacy, layers of racism, bias, and how that currently exists today?”

“We won’t be able to confront it if history is written upon falsehoods after falsehoods,” the squad member said.

“On the local level, I’m going to show up and be vocal about these efforts. I’m going to continue to train, you know, neighbors and community groups on how to, you know, get folks like us running for office so that we have folks again with various lived experiences making those decisions,” Tlaib continued.

Tlaib continued, “one of the things that continue to push back with urgency is my colleagues who say ‘don’t talk about critical race theory, Rashida, this is not the time.’ You got to continue pushing back on white supremacy in our country, because this is exactly how you enable them to pretend it’s not actually happening.”

“It is happening,” the congresswoman continued. “They’re showing up at our school board meetings right now. They are intentional about making sure that we’re not speaking truth to our children.”

Breitbart News noted that “recent polling has shown a historic reversal on the issue of education, giving Republicans the upper hand.”


The post WATCH: Far-left Rep. Rashida Tlaib Says Parents Speaking at School Board Meetings About CRT is ‘White Supremacy’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Cassandra Fairbanks