Tucker Carlson Scored HUGE Ratings Revealing J6 Footage – Six Times More Viewers Than CNN

Tucker Carlson Scored HUGE Ratings Revealing J6 Footage – Six Times More Viewers Than CNN

Tucker Carlson Scored HUGE Ratings Revealing J6 Footage – Six Times More Viewers Than CNN

The ratings for Tucker Carlson’s reveal of the January 6th videos are already in and they are huge.

This is probably a large part of why Democrats were so panicked about Tucker getting his hands on the videos. They knew that he would have a massive audience for the shows. They would not care if it was a show no one watches, like something on CNN.

This is obviously also one of the reasons why so many liberal networks demanded access to the footage only after Tucker got it. They also knew that he was going to demolish the competition in viewers.

Mediaite reports:

Cable News Ratings Tuesday March 7: Fox News Scores 6 Times More Viewers Than CNN in Prime Time

Fox News prime time soared to over 3 million average viewers on Tuesday night.

The very strong prime time number was anchored by Tucker Carlson, who brought in 4.14 million total viewers as his show sparked controversy on Monday night for his Jan. 6th coverage.

Fox prime time doubled MSNBC’s average of 1.49 million total viewers and brought in more than six times the viewers of CNN.

CNN’s prime time average came in at 451,000 total viewers.

People tuned in because they want to know the truth.

It’s ironic that by complaining about Tucker, Democrats probably helped to boost his ratings.

The post Tucker Carlson Scored HUGE Ratings Revealing J6 Footage – Six Times More Viewers Than CNN appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Mike LaChance