Trump-Endorsed Kari Lake Leads Establishment RINO Opponent By Nearly 20 POINTS – Other Trump-Endorsed Candidates Hold HUGE Leads In Arizona Primary Election 4 DAYS Out

Trump-Endorsed Kari Lake Leads Establishment RINO Opponent By Nearly 20 POINTS – Other Trump-Endorsed Candidates Hold HUGE Leads In Arizona Primary Election 4 DAYS Out

Trump-Endorsed Kari Lake Leads Establishment RINO Opponent By Nearly 20 POINTS – Other Trump-Endorsed Candidates Hold HUGE Leads In Arizona Primary Election 4 DAYS Out

Trump-Endorsed candidates are destroying their primary opponents in another round of polling data just days before the August 2nd, 2022 Primary Election.

Earlier this month, The Gateway Pundit teamed up with Cygnal Polling to poll likely Republican voters in the Governor and Senate races. Both polls showed that Trump-Endorsed Kari Lake and Blake Masters lead by double digits.

EXCLUSIVE Gateway Pundit-Cygnal Poll: Trump-Endorsed Candidates Kari Lake and Blake Masters Hold Double Digit Leads In Arizona Primary Elections

According to new polling data, these leads have only increased, especially since President Trump’s big rally in Arizona last Friday. Turncoat Mike Pence was also in Arizona last Friday, holding a competing rally in favor of Doug Ducey-endorsed candidates, who are losing big.

This proves that Arizona is still a MAGA Stronghold that has long turned away from the RINO establishment ruling class.

President Trump did not lose the state in 2020. The election was rigged and stolen, and the Arizona audit proved it.

Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules” documentary also discovered that in Maricopa County alone, more than 200 illegal ballot trafficking mules inserted over 200,000 illegal or fraudulent votes into the presidential election.

According to new GOP primary polls from OH Predictive, Masters and Lake will likely face the Democratic nominee in the November General Election.

Trump-Endorsed Kari Lake is now leading by 18 points over RINO Karrin Taylor Robson, whose fate is only worsening as she gets caught up in scandalous activities. The Gateway Pundit recently reported on another new poll from Data Orbital that also shows Kari with a massive lead.

Trump-Endorsed Blake Masters’ lead has increased to 15 points over green energy-billionaire Jim Lamon.

Trump-Endorsed Mark Finchem leads Doug Ducey-endorsed RINO Beau Lane by a whopping 21 points!

Abe Hamadeh for Attorney General also leads his closest opponent by 15 points.

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Additionally, Rasmussen reported,

A new telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and the Arizona Rock Products Association finds that 31% of Likely Arizona Republican primary voters would vote for businessman Blake Masters in the U.S. Senate race. Nineteen percent (19%) would vote for businessman Jim Lamon, while 16% would vote for state attorney general Attorney General Mark Brnovich, 10% would vote for retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Mick McGuire, three percent (3%) would vote for former state Rep. Justin Olson, six percent (6%) would vote for some other candidate and 15% are not sure.

Lake, a former TV journalist, has a nine-point lead, 43%-34%, over former Board of Regents member Karrin Taylor Robson. They are trailed by Paola Tulliani-Zen (4%) and Scott Neely (3%), while another five percent (5%) of likely GOP primary voters would vote for some other candidate and 11% are undecided.

Finchem, a state representative, leads by 11 points, 27%-16%, over businessman Beau Lane in the Republican primary for secretary of state, followed closely by state Sen. Michelle Ugenti-Rita (12%) and state Rep. Shawnna Bolick (11%). Ten percent (10%) of likely primary voters prefer some other candidates and another 25% are undecided.

The power of a Trump endorsement is unmatched.

The RINO-Democrat Establishment is ready to rig and steal another election from this incredible slate of Trump-Endorsed candidates across the state. In multiple Arizona Counties, serious elections concerns are already emerging again.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the Maricopa County GOP chairwoman has sided with the RINOs and refused to appoint a ballot signature challenger, as permitted by Arizona Statutes. Every ballot will be counted regardless of its legitimacy, as they did in 2020.

FRAUD ALERT: Maricopa County GOP Chair Refuses Requests To Appoint Signature Challengers on Early Ballots — MASSIVE FRAUD EXPECTED!

Kari Lake War Room tweeted,

The job’s not done. Turn in your ballot now, or go to the polls on August 2nd, and make sure you fill out that bubble for @KariLake.

This fight doesn’t stop until the bell rings.

Every Arizona Patriot MUST get out and vote for their Trump-Endorsed Candidates to outnumber the fraud.

The post Trump-Endorsed Kari Lake Leads Establishment RINO Opponent By Nearly 20 POINTS – Other Trump-Endorsed Candidates Hold HUGE Leads In Arizona Primary Election 4 DAYS Out appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jordan Conradson