Tragic: Fit and Healthy Man Suffered Blood Clot, Seizure, Heart Failure, and Is Now Disabled After COVID-19 Shot
Tragic: Fit and Healthy Man Suffered Blood Clot, Seizure, Heart Failure, and Is Now Disabled After COVID-19 Shot
A man from Swansea, Wales named Christopher J. Williams described his horrific experience after being coerced into getting the COVID shot.
In his social media post, Mr. Williams stated that he suffered from a blood clot, brain fog, seizures, chronic fatigue, tachycardia, high blood, joint muscle pain, tremors, headaches, speech problems, heart palpitations, pains in the chest, tinnitus, and night sweats two weeks after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine. Now he is classified as disabled due to the vaccine.
William took the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine last March 2021, which is known as a viral vector vaccine, and the ‘mRNA’ COVID-19 vaccine after he was declined for an exemption.
With his neck pulsing and could hardly breathe and walk, William made an appointment with his doctor. The doctor diagnosed his condition as anxiety. Two days after being told he had an anxiety disorder, he paid to see a cardiologist because he was skeptical of the diagnosis. The second doctor diagnosed him with heart failure.
Watch the video below:
Went to my doctors with my neck pulsing, could hardly walk, breath, he said anxiety and go for a walk, any doctors here to take a guess? Had AstraZeneca vaccine #TruthAboutMRNAVaccines #vaccineinjuries #VaccineSideEffects #canwetalkaboutit #Istandwithvaccineinjured #AstraZeneca
— Christopher J Williams (@Christo19725794) October 9, 2022
2 weeks after Az vax blood clot, seizures, coincidentally.Been declined my exemption certificate from another? Never had a seizure pre jab and now heart failure
#TruthAboutMRNAVaccines #vaccineinjuries #VaccineSideEffects #canwetalkaboutit #Istandwithvaccineinjured #AstraZeneca
— Christopher J Williams (@Christo19725794) October 9, 2022
“Due to my job, I thought it was the right choice. I’m showing the damage it has done to me, and I am now classed as disabled because of the [vaccine], I get called anti-vax, [but] I had it, and the abuse I get is horrendous & nasty,” said Williams.
I have to disagree.Through History, the convicted , the opresers, the wardens in the camps, the commandant in the camps, the Brown Shirts, the information was there, the support was there, but still they chose wrongful .I have zero sympathy for the jabbed after the taunts I had
— Stevie Prood (@ProodStevie) October 10, 2022
“My work involved build works for disabled external pit lifts, and internal build works, widening doors for wheelchair access, etc. Basically working with people with health issues and disabilities, I had it as I thought I was doing the right thing for the clients I was helping,” he responded.
My work involved build works for disabled external pit lifts, and internal build works, widening doors for wheelchair access etc. basically working with people with health issues and disability, I had it as I thought I was doing the right thing for the clients I was helping.
— Christopher J Williams (@Christo19725794) October 10, 2022

Christopher John Williams before and after the Covid vaccine.

Christopher John Williams doing some tests.

Christopher John Williams with his medications. Including a medication from AstraZeneca.
Here is Mr. William’s full story of his suffering from the adverse reaction he experienced after receiving the COVID shot:
Well, they let me out for my Birthday after 10 days in hospital, this is what I have been going through 3 weeks after my AZ since March 2021. 17 months of hell and it just gets worse, have had some good days, but as they say it’s very rare.
If Facebook would like to fact check, please contact my doctors or look at my sick notes or my cardiologist which I have paid private for my rheumatologist which I have paid private for, or my neurologist from which I am awaiting an appointment.
I am not anti-vax I had it and sadly have been suffering since. I am not saying the [vaccine] has caused this it might just be a coincidence, but my doctors have signed me off as post-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine complications and related issues.
Been discharged from the hospital, now with 40% right-sided heart failure (dilated cardiomyopathy) and 2 leaky valves, I did go to the doctors a couple of weeks ago, and he sent me to the hospital. I was there for 3 days with a pulsing neck, shortness of breath, chest pain, struggling to walk, headaches, and a bad tummy. They signed me out as they said there was nothing wrong and to see my GP if I was worried about something.
Yes, I was, the fact I could not walk, or do anything physical was extremely worrying. On visiting my doctor, the following Monday, he said it was anxiety and gave me a higher dose of antidepressants, and said it was all in my head and go for a walk. I left feeling broken.
The following Wednesday I saw a private cardiologist. During the consultation, he prescribed water tablets, and a list of tests, including an echocardiogram, halter monitor, and blood tests. These showed right-sided heart failure and 2 leaky valves and admitted me into the hospital again.
After 10 days in the hospital and more tests, another change of medication, my breathing is now a bit better, and they got my blood pressure and heart rate down, but the side effects of the medication isn’t nice. The staff and doctors were amazing, they work so bloody hard, and I met some lovely people.
I have been signed off work and suffering from suspected adverse reactions to the vaccine since April 2021, coincidently after the blood clot which came 3 weeks after the Az vaccine. I was totally fit and healthy before it.
March 28th 2021, AstraZeneca vaccine
3 weeks later blood clot left calf.
April 2021 to Aug 2021
Stroke-like symptoms, problems talking, brain fog, constant shakes, headaches, tinnitus, severe joint and muscle pain, chronic fatigue, tachycardia, high blood pressure 190/90 high Heart rate 180BPM, 5 stone weight loss over 5 months, basically rocking in a chair. Doctors dismissed my concerns and said I had anxiety and it’s all in my head.Sept – May 22
Talking better, but stutter in the evenings when fatigued, seizures, collapsing, constant shakes, headaches, tachycardia, tinnitus, severe joint and muscle pain, high blood pressure, high BPM, bad fatigue, brain fog.June – present
Arterial fibrillation, Seizures better, shakes not so bad, worse fatigue, tachycardia, collapsing not so bad, blood Pressure now too low, but BPM high. I can hardly walk, and been diagnosed with 40% right sided heart failure, dilated cardiomyopathy, 2 leaky valves, out of hospital with loads of meds which aren’t nice but at least the pharmaceutical companies are making more money. I have heart failure clinic appointment and awaiting MRI scan.Cost so far for private consultations and tests £3600 ($3,971.54), and I have no income due to being unable to work.
Fit and healthy pre vaccine , trained 4-5 days a week, had own building company which I cannot manage since the vaccine. Property portfolio where I have to pay someone else to look after and maintain, good social life, used to take heartburn relief on occasions, no other medication.
Since the vaccine, I am now on 15 different medications. I can’t walk far, can’t work, even struggle with mental tasks, I am broken and no help from anyone, apart from my Mum who has seen me through this 17 month of hell and I would not be here today if she had not pushed me through every day, my girlfriend who has been so supportive and understanding and spent a lot of time in A&E and hospital with me, and the amazing support from the UK CV Family Facebook group where I have met some amazing people who offer support and advice, and some of my already close friends. And my auntie June who tells me she phones me, but I get no missed calls, lol, but she has called to see how I am. Have lost touch with a lot of people due to my situation and tbh have not got the energy and do not want to talk about what I am going through as its hard as I am unable to go out if I do, I am laid up for days.
The post Tragic: Fit and Healthy Man Suffered Blood Clot, Seizure, Heart Failure, and Is Now Disabled After COVID-19 Shot appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
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Author: Jim Hoft