To the US Supreme Court!! Progressive CO Supreme Court Refuses to Hear El Paso Candidates Case

To the US Supreme Court!! Progressive CO Supreme Court Refuses to Hear El Paso Candidates Case

To the US Supreme Court!! Progressive CO Supreme Court Refuses to Hear El Paso Candidates Case

El Paso County, CO is the hot bed right now for election integrity.  County and state candidates have a solid case to make for a hand recount of the ballots after unforeseen complications and issues with their Logic and Accuracy test last month.  By Colorado Revised Statute, if the recount testing has “unresolvable discrepancies“, then they must do a hand count.  The Gateway Pundit had to fact check the “fact checkers” on the failures of this Logic and Accuracy test after labeling the above article “false”.  At the time of the article above, it was not known that even the 10 hand marked ballots each candidate got to run through the scanners were not properly read either!

Issues with the testing and the manner in which it was conducted was the subject of one of the Colorado lawsuits.    The other suit was the candidates being disenfranchised by having to pay appx $20,000 each, $10,000 of which went to a vendor believed to be Dominion for “programming and vendor services”

Earlier this week the cases were dismissed, just before the El Paso County candidates were scheduled to have their case heard on Sept. 1, 2022 in the Colorado District court.  Of course, the courts cited jurisdictional issues and mootness, due to the fact the case sought to stop the recount and conduct a hand recount, but the recount had already been completed by the time the case was scheduled.

On Wednesday, the candidates filed with the Colorado Supreme Court.  As discussed last week with candidate for County Clerk Peter Lupia, the case had to be heard within 3 days of filing.  Yesterday, however, the CO Supreme Court declined to accept jurisdiction over the case.  If candidates for county and state races cannot have their case heard in a District court or the Colorado Supreme Court, then perhaps the court system needs to be re-evaluated.

When asked about the decision, plaintiff in the lawsuits and candidate for El Paso County Clerk Peter Lupia said:

“While definitely disappointing, the ruling by the progressive minded Democrat heavy (6 of 7 justices) CO Supreme Court, working in conjunction with the progressive Democrat Attorney General, to not even consider our case was sadly not unexpected. While both prayerful and hopeful for a different outcome, we were prepared for this ruling and thankful to have gotten a timely response that allows us to move forward with our next step in rapid fashion.

We are now preparing our brief for filing with SCOTUS. Our legal team anticipates filing with SCOTUS as soon as possible and we are hopeful that we will gain a full review on an accelerated schedule. We will not cease our pursuit until all options have been explored and exhausted.”

The United States Supreme Court is the next, and last, in line.  This begs the question: where does one go for legitimate relief in any election case?

You can visit and donate to the candidates who are plaintiffs in this to help with their legal fees.

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Author: Brian Lupo