
The Core of Trump’s Speech in the Bronx is the Unity the Country Needs: Color Doesn’t Matter, ‘We Are All Americans and We’re Going to Pull Together as Americans’ (VIDEO)

The Core of Trump’s Speech in the Bronx is the Unity the Country Needs: Color Doesn’t Matter, ‘We Are All Americans and We’re Going to Pull Together as Americans’ (VIDEO)

Trump’s speech and rally in the Bronx truly feels like a turning point for the country. He brought a message of unity that is craved by millions of people across America.

Joe Biden was sold by Democrats and the media as a unifying figure, yet he has done nothing but divide and stoke resentment.

Trump told the crowd in the Bronx that color doesn’t matter because we are all Americans.

Larry Kudlow of the FOX Business Network commented:

Donald Trump’s Bronx speech was powerful

Donald Trump’s powerful speech last night in the Bronx was a message to Americans of all colors and that’s the subject of the riff. Donald Trump spoke to a crowd of ten or twenty thousand people last night at Crotona Park in the South Bronx.

Here’s the key point: they were primarily People of Color. A most unusual Republican rally, in a most unusual place, with a most unusual crowd for a Republican rally in a most unusual place. Take a listen to what Donald Trump said about this unusual story:

DONALD TRUMP: “It doesn’t matter whether you’re Black, or Brown, or White or whatever the hell color you are, it doesn’t matter. We are all Americans and we’re going to pull together as Americans.”

Right there, that is the sociology about that crowd and it is a shot across the bow of Joe Biden and the Democratic Party nationwide. New York Governor Kathy Hochul is one of the very many Democrats who don’t understand what’s going on in Trump world. She said Donald Trump is inviting “all his clowns to a place like the Bronx.” Hochul’s one of many Democrats who don’t understand the Trump coalition of working folks of all colors that is busting up the traditional Democratic Party.

This was the moment. Watch:

Compare the two messages of Biden and Trump.

This should be an easy decision for American voters.

The post The Core of Trump’s Speech in the Bronx is the Unity the Country Needs: Color Doesn’t Matter, ‘We Are All Americans and We’re Going to Pull Together as Americans’ (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Mike LaChance