Taliban Celebrates at Abandoned US Embassy with US Weapons and Humvees on the One-Year Anniversary of Fall of Kabul Under Joe Biden (VIDEO)

Taliban Celebrates at Abandoned US Embassy with US Weapons and Humvees on the One-Year Anniversary of Fall of Kabul Under Joe Biden (VIDEO)

Taliban Celebrates at Abandoned US Embassy with US Weapons and Humvees on the One-Year Anniversary of Fall of Kabul Under Joe Biden (VIDEO)

The Taliban celebrated the new national holiday today outside of the abandoned US Embassy in Kabul.

It was one year ago the Taliban stormed Kabul and entered the Presidential Palace.

Taliban fighters drove US humvees and brandished US weapons on this new national holiday.

They gathered outside the former US Embassy abandoned by Joe Biden.

It was one year ago today the government fell to the extremists.

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Author: Jim Hoft