Biden says he would sign gun legislation immediately if he could

Biden says he would sign gun legislation immediately if he could

Biden says he would sign gun legislation immediately if he could President Joe Biden on Sunday called on Congress to pass new gun control legislation and said he would “sign it immediately,” in the wake of a shooting in Allen, Texas, that left at least eight dead and seven injured. “Too many families have empty…

16-Year-Old Alexandria High School Student Dies Suddenly at Home

16-Year-Old Alexandria High School Student Dies Suddenly at Home

16-Year-Old Alexandria High School Student Dies Suddenly at Home A freshman at Alexandria City High School was found dead in his room on Tuesday morning, and his family is still looking for answers about what happened. Yonatan Vazquez Méndez, 16, was found lifeless in his bedroom by his father, one day after they all had…

“This Poll is Brutal For Biden” – George Stephanopoulos as Joe Biden Hits Record Low Approval Rating in New ABC/WaPo Poll (VIDEO)

“This Poll is Brutal For Biden” – George Stephanopoulos as Joe Biden Hits Record Low Approval Rating in New ABC/WaPo Poll (VIDEO)

“This Poll is Brutal For Biden” – George Stephanopoulos as Joe Biden Hits Record Low Approval Rating in New ABC/WaPo Poll (VIDEO) A new ABC poll released at midnight spells trouble for Joe Biden going into the 2024 election. 80-year-old Joe Biden hit a record low approval rating – 6 points down since February. Only…

DEVELOPING: 7 Confirmed Dead, and 11 Injured After Car Runs into Pedestrians in Brownsville, Texas – Suspect Arrested

DEVELOPING: 7 Confirmed Dead, and 11 Injured After Car Runs into Pedestrians in Brownsville, Texas – Suspect Arrested

DEVELOPING: 7 Confirmed Dead, and 11 Injured After Car Runs into Pedestrians in Brownsville, Texas – Suspect Arrested On Sunday morning, a car slammed into pedestrians in Brownsville, Texas, killing seven people, ABC reported. The incident occurred about 8:30 in the morning in front of the Ozanam Center, a shelter for illegal aliens and the…

Jon Tester wanted to soften hemp regulations and turned to industry officials to help craft the bill

Jon Tester wanted to soften hemp regulations and turned to industry officials to help craft the bill

Jon Tester wanted to soften hemp regulations and turned to industry officials to help craft the bill When two senators sponsored a bill that would cut red tape for farmers who grow hemp, industry insiders were thrilled but not surprised. The reason: They had been intimately involved in crafting the legislation themselves. The bipartisan bill,…

Trump Crushing Biden and DeSantis in New WaPo/ABC News Poll

Trump Crushing Biden and DeSantis in New WaPo/ABC News Poll

Trump Crushing Biden and DeSantis in New WaPo/ABC News Poll President Trump is crushing Joe Biden and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) in a new Washington Poll/ABC News poll released at midnight. Trump leads Biden in a head to head match-up 49%-42% among supporters and leaners in the general election and bests DeSantis 51%-25% in…

Republican Oversight Committee Wants Answers From John Kerry About His Secret Talks With China

Republican Oversight Committee Wants Answers From John Kerry About His Secret Talks With China

Republican Oversight Committee Wants Answers From John Kerry About His Secret Talks With China You probably knew that John Kerry is a sort of climate czar for Joe Biden, but did you know that he has been engaged in secretive talks with China? Do you want to know what he has been discussing with them?…

INSANE: Leftists in New York City Protesting for Jordan Neely Block Subway Tracks (VIDEO)

INSANE: Leftists in New York City Protesting for Jordan Neely Block Subway Tracks (VIDEO)

INSANE: Leftists in New York City Protesting for Jordan Neely Block Subway Tracks (VIDEO) Leftists in New York City who are protesting over the death of Jordan Neely tonight thought it would be a good idea to block trains by getting down onto the tracks. It’s positively stunning when you contemplate how dangerous and stupid…

‘Dangerous Maniac’ – Jordan Neely Convicted for 4 Months for Attempting to Kidnap 7-Year-Old Girl in 2015

‘Dangerous Maniac’ – Jordan Neely Convicted for 4 Months for Attempting to Kidnap 7-Year-Old Girl in 2015

‘Dangerous Maniac’ – Jordan Neely Convicted for 4 Months for Attempting to Kidnap 7-Year-Old Girl in 2015 Jordan Neely is the homeless man who recently died on the New York City subway system while being restrained by other passengers. The media and far-left Democrats have been working overtime to portray Neely as an innocent victim…

Liberal Professor Loses Her Mind When She’s Arrested For Obstructing a Campus Pro-Life Display (VIDEO)

Liberal Professor Loses Her Mind When She’s Arrested For Obstructing a Campus Pro-Life Display (VIDEO)

Liberal Professor Loses Her Mind When She’s Arrested For Obstructing a Campus Pro-Life Display (VIDEO) A professor of sociology at the University of Albany in New York was recently arrested when she tried to disrupt a pro-life display on campus. She resisted arrest, and the left wing students at the scene screamed and swore at…