WATCH: Car Sails 120 Feet Over Tow Truck “Dukes of Hazzard-Style” in Wild Highway Crash – Two Severe Injuries Reported

WATCH: Car Sails 120 Feet Over Tow Truck “Dukes of Hazzard-Style” in Wild Highway Crash – Two Severe Injuries Reported

WATCH: Car Sails 120 Feet Over Tow Truck “Dukes of Hazzard-Style” in Wild Highway Crash – Two Severe Injuries Reported Credit: Sky News   A scene straight out of the famous TV Series “Dukes of Hazzard” unfolded last week in south Georgia. For people who have not seen the show, here is a glimpse. Bodycam…

Chicago’s New Mayor Blames Memorial Day Weekend Violence in the City on ‘Community Disinvestment and Poverty’

Chicago’s New Mayor Blames Memorial Day Weekend Violence in the City on ‘Community Disinvestment and Poverty’

Chicago’s New Mayor Blames Memorial Day Weekend Violence in the City on ‘Community Disinvestment and Poverty’ There were 53 shootings in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend, including 11 fatalities. It appears the governor’s plan to deploy yellow-vested ‘peacekeepers’ to deter violence and crime didn’t work out too well. Brandon Johnson, the city’s new mayor, released…

Pentagon Orders Nellis Air Force Base to Cancel On Base ‘Family Friendly’ Drag Show After Pressure from Matt Gaetz

Pentagon Orders Nellis Air Force Base to Cancel On Base ‘Family Friendly’ Drag Show After Pressure from Matt Gaetz

Pentagon Orders Nellis Air Force Base to Cancel On Base ‘Family Friendly’ Drag Show After Pressure from Matt Gaetz Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley are reported to have ordered Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada to cancel a drag show that was to be…

LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: House Votes on McCarthy’s Spending Bill to Raise Debt Ceiling at 8:30 PM Eastern

LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: House Votes on McCarthy’s Spending Bill to Raise Debt Ceiling at 8:30 PM Eastern

LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: House Votes on McCarthy’s Spending Bill to Raise Debt Ceiling at 8:30 PM Eastern 46 Republicans say they will vote no on the spending bill. The US Congress is expected to vote tonight on raising the $31.4 trillion debt ceiling that funds the green new deal, decimates the energy sector, funds tens of…

Three New York ‘Teens’ Arrested For Killing Beloved ‘Faye’ the Swan – And Then Eating Her!

Three New York ‘Teens’ Arrested For Killing Beloved ‘Faye’ the Swan – And Then Eating Her!

Three New York ‘Teens’ Arrested For Killing Beloved ‘Faye’ the Swan – And Then Eating Her! Mama swan Faye and her four cygnets Three New York ‘teens’ were arrested for killing a beloved mama swan named Faye and taking her four babies. The pond is home to where “generations of town-owned swans have lived since…

Chicago City Council Approves $51 Million in Aid for Illegals

Chicago City Council Approves $51 Million in Aid for Illegals

Chicago City Council Approves $51 Million in Aid for Illegals Chicago City Council   While Chicago burns with rampant crime and violence, on Wednesday, the City Council approved $51 million in aid for illegals.  The funds will cover for staffing, food and other resources. The vote passed with 34 voting yes and 13 voting no. While…

RINO Mitch McConell on Debt Limit Deal: “When this Agreement Reaches the Senate, I’ll Be Proud to Support it Without Delay”

RINO Mitch McConell on Debt Limit Deal: “When this Agreement Reaches the Senate, I’ll Be Proud to Support it Without Delay”

RINO Mitch McConell on Debt Limit Deal: “When this Agreement Reaches the Senate, I’ll Be Proud to Support it Without Delay” On Wednesday night, the House of Representatives will vote on the flawed uniparty bill, the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. During a recent press conference, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy bragged that his deal with…

World Health Organization Elects Communist NORTH KOREA to its Executive Board

World Health Organization Elects Communist NORTH KOREA to its Executive Board

World Health Organization Elects Communist NORTH KOREA to its Executive Board “Logo of the World Health Organization” by US Mission Geneva is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0. Communist North Korea, a regime notorious for starving its own people while investing heavily in nuclear weapons, has been elected to the Executive Board of the World Health…

Grammy-Nominated Singer Dies After Suffering Heart Attack on Stage, Collapsing During NYC Show (VIDEO)

Grammy-Nominated Singer Dies After Suffering Heart Attack on Stage, Collapsing During NYC Show (VIDEO)

Grammy-Nominated Singer Dies After Suffering Heart Attack on Stage, Collapsing During NYC Show (VIDEO) Grammy-nominated Cuban singer, songwriter Juan Carlos Formell died at 59 after suffering a heart attack on stage during a show in New York City last Friday. Juan Carlos Formell was performing a show in the Bronx when he wandered off stage…