Swedish Prime Minister Resigns after “Far Right” Wins Majority.  Expected PM “Make Sweden Great Again!”

Swedish Prime Minister Resigns after “Far Right” Wins Majority. Expected PM “Make Sweden Great Again!”

Swedish Prime Minister Resigns after “Far Right” Wins Majority. Expected PM “Make Sweden Great Again!” Today, Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson announced her resignation after the “far right” Swedish Democrats and other conservative groups won the majority in Sweden’s parliament by a thin margin, 176 of 349 seats.  This is her second resignation in a…

‘Woke’ Department of Defense Equity Chief Has History of Anti-White Tweets

‘Woke’ Department of Defense Equity Chief Has History of Anti-White Tweets

‘Woke’ Department of Defense Equity Chief Has History of Anti-White Tweets Kelisa Wing The Defense Department’s chief diversity equity and inclusion officer has a history of anti-white tweets. Kelisa Wing, the ‘woke’ DEI officer which provides k-12 education at the DoD, also wrote books on ‘white privilege,’ defunding the police and BLM. “I’m exhausted with…

Is Lindsey Graham Trying to Throw the Midterm Elections to Democrats?…  Was Mitch McConnell Behind It?

Is Lindsey Graham Trying to Throw the Midterm Elections to Democrats?… Was Mitch McConnell Behind It?

Is Lindsey Graham Trying to Throw the Midterm Elections to Democrats?… Was Mitch McConnell Behind It? Joe Biden is the worst president in US history. ** Inflation is at 40 YEAR HIGHS — and it is NOT receding! ** Gas Prices are the highest they have ever been under Joe Biden — And this is…

HORRIFIC INCIDENT: Defenseless Student Brutally Beaten By a Teenager at a High School – Assailant Arrested – It Was Not His First Arrest – Repeat Offender (VIDEO)

HORRIFIC INCIDENT: Defenseless Student Brutally Beaten By a Teenager at a High School – Assailant Arrested – It Was Not His First Arrest – Repeat Offender (VIDEO)

HORRIFIC INCIDENT: Defenseless Student Brutally Beaten By a Teenager at a High School – Assailant Arrested – It Was Not His First Arrest – Repeat Offender (VIDEO) UPDATE: This report and video were updated by The Gateway Pundit. We have included the video of the beating at West Brook High School below. * * *…

Senate Democrats Open Investigation Into Allegations by Fired US Attorney that Trump Pressured DOJ to Probe His Political Opponents

Senate Democrats Open Investigation Into Allegations by Fired US Attorney that Trump Pressured DOJ to Probe His Political Opponents

Senate Democrats Open Investigation Into Allegations by Fired US Attorney that Trump Pressured DOJ to Probe His Political Opponents Joe Biden’s jackbooted thugs in the FBI raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence, but the Senate Democrats are investigating whether Trump pressured his DOJ to investigate his political opponents. The investigation was launched based on claims from former…

Report: Leaked Video Shows Israeli Ministry of Health’s Plan to Manipulate Expert Report on Adverse Events to Avoid Lawsuits; Experts Found Serious Safety Issues – Lied to Public

Report: Leaked Video Shows Israeli Ministry of Health’s Plan to Manipulate Expert Report on Adverse Events to Avoid Lawsuits; Experts Found Serious Safety Issues – Lied to Public

Report: Leaked Video Shows Israeli Ministry of Health’s Plan to Manipulate Expert Report on Adverse Events to Avoid Lawsuits; Experts Found Serious Safety Issues – Lied to Public They protected the Arabs and sterilized the Jews! Hitler won! Israeli health researcher and health journalist Dr. Yaffa Shir-Raz has released shocking new information about her findings…