Steve Bannon, Mike Lindell, David Clements and More at CC4NM – This Friday in Ruidoso, New Mexico – Details Here

Steve Bannon, Mike Lindell, David Clements and More at CC4NM – This Friday in Ruidoso, New Mexico – Details Here

The fight for the future of election integrity is being fought in small towns across America.   

Former law professor David Clements has traveled to over 40 states this past calendar year and just concluded a 10-state tour advocating for the removal of highly vulnerable election machines.  I was able to join Clements for several events in the state of Georgia—from county commission meetings, to educational seminars, to even participating in interviews with county chairs and former judges questioning election processes and results.

Clements is about to kick off another several weeks’ long tour this October 7th in the small mountain town of Ruidoso, New Mexico.  There, he will be joined by entrepreneur Mike Lindell and the War Room’s Steve Bannon, two of the most prominent voices calling for accountability in our elections, at an event hosted by Concerned Citizens for New Mexico.

Clements contends, “We are in the midst of a national crisis concerning public trust in our elections.  I believe that true electoral reform has to be led by everyday citizen activists throughout middle America.  While rampant fraud is more visible in urban areas because of the prevalence of election equipment that is intentionally vulnerable and uncertifiable by any objective measure, the concentration of establishment politicians in those urban areas makes it difficult to create meaningful reform.”

Clements continues, “But there is opportunity to make our case before county commissioners. Small and rural counties do not need to use Dominion, ES&S, and other highly vulnerable tabulation machines when hand counting on election day is a more accurate and trustworthy way to conduct our elections.”  Clements’ positions are backed by the latest Rasmussen polls revealing that 50% of all voters believe widespread cheating will affect the outcome of the November 2022 elections.  Even 36% of democrats, a staggering number, feel the same way.  The number skyrockets to 71% when Republican voters are polled.

But Republican establishment forces are willfully resisting election integrity events even in small town New Mexico.  One of the event’s organizers, Tracy Delarosa, was circulating flyers to promote the event.  The leader of the Chaves County Republican Party, Eric Coll pushed the flyer back into Delarosa’s hand.  State representative Greg Nibert joined Coll in refusing to offer to spread the word or help get conservatives involved.  Delarosa states, “I was blown off and ignored, just like I have been while trying to get involved with them for the past 2 years.”

Clements stated that he is hearing similar accounts from other activists all over the state that have asked for the NM GOP to take a more active role on the issue of election integrity.  “While over 70% of their base pleads with them to get their heads out of the sand, they continue to remain willfully ignorant on the vulnerability these machines present.  I can’t say I blame them, as many were selected by the devices and don’t want to disturb the status quo.”

The October 7th event will also have tech CEO Joe Oltmann discuss the system architecture of Dominion, and his firsthand account of former Vice President Eric Coomer admitting to interfering with the 2020 election.  Former Army military intelligence Captain Seth Keshel will provide analysis on New Mexico’s rampant registration deviations.  Nation state vulnerability expert Jeff Lenberg, who worked for 31 years with the nation’s highest security clearances at Sandia National Laboratories, will provide a deep dive into how easy it is to remotely subvert the machines independent of any knowledge of local election workers and candidates.  New Mexico commissioners Jay Block and Couy Griffin, who courageously withheld certification of the 2022 primary election due to their concerns of fraud, will advise the audience of the corruption they have had to fight against and their hopes for the future.  The event will include screenings of election documentaries “Standing in the Gap” and “Selection Code,” and have grassroots panels offering solutions on how to best overcome cheating this November.

Clements concludes, “I’m proud of my state and its leadership in shaping the discussion on how to combat systemic election fraud.  Jeff Lenberg, cyber expert Draza Smith, engineer Erin Clements, and many others have called New Mexico home, and it’s fitting to have an event of this kind.  I hope we will pack the convention center this Friday and send a message to the establishment GOP and our corrupt Secretary of State that we aren’t going away.  We are just getting started.”

To attend the Concerned Citizens for New Mexico event with Mike Lindell, Steve Bannon, and Professor Clements this Friday, register at

The post Steve Bannon, Mike Lindell, David Clements and More at CC4NM – This Friday in Ruidoso, New Mexico – Details Here appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Joe Hoft