SAVAGE ANGEL! Michigan’s New GOP Chair Kristina Karamo Gives Brilliant History Lesson to Leftist Media Activists on Gun Control in EPIC Press Conference [VIDEO]

SAVAGE ANGEL! Michigan’s New GOP Chair Kristina Karamo Gives Brilliant History Lesson to Leftist Media Activists on Gun Control in EPIC Press Conference [VIDEO]

SAVAGE ANGEL! Michigan’s New GOP Chair Kristina Karamo Gives Brilliant History Lesson to Leftist Media Activists on Gun Control in EPIC Press Conference [VIDEO]

She’s the future of the Republican Party.

100 Percent Fed Up Exclusive – Kristina Karamo, Michigan’s newly elected GOP Chair, is an absolute rock star. It’s not easy to be a grassroots, conservative leader of the MI GOP when so many of the top donors, who are used to having influence over party decisions, are now sitting on the sidelines and waiting for Karamo to fail at her job. They refuse to donate a penny to the new and improved MIGOP, which the new chair has promised will represent all Republicans and not just the establishment elite. Kristina Karamo has also pledged to create a more inclusive party that prioritizes God, family, freedom, and, yes, the Constitution, a promise that is driving her opponents in the Democrat Party, the media, and even RINO members of her own party insane.

On Thursday night, at a press conference in Southfield, MI, the outspoken leader of the Michigan Republican Party, Kristina Karamo, refused to back down from a mob of leftist media members and Asher Lobatin, Exec. Director of the Michigan chapter of the Jewish Community Relations Council of MI (JCRC), who demanded she accept their condemnation for a tweet she posted on March 22.

The tweet that caused the outrage mob to descend on Karamo showed an image of thousands of rings collected from Jewish men and women before they were sent to Concentration Camps during the Holocaust. The copy on the image reads:

BEFORE THEY COLLECTED ALL THE WEDDING RINGS…THEY COLLECTED ALL THE GUNS. Above the image, Karamo wrote: #History has shown us that the first thing a government does when it wants total control over its people is to disarm them. President Reagan once stated, “if we lose #freedom here, there is nowhere else to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth.” #2A #GOP

The tweet was in reference to the newly elected Democrat-controlled MI Senate, which recently passed “safe gun storage,” universal background checks, and red-flag bills in the Michigan Senate.

Here is the tweet:

The first question was from a reporter who asked Karamo who was behind the tweet.

Karamo refused to allow the reporter to make her apologize for making a historical comparison to the dangers of a government that disarms its citizens.


The next question was from Asher Lobatin, the executive director of JCRC, who accused Karamo of showing a “lack of sensitivity” and a “lack of decency” because she posted the image, as he suggested that she “talk to other members of the Jewish community” before she shares a historical image from the Holocaust.  Lobatin suggested that if Karamo used a picture of a “slave ship” as an example of what happens when guns are taken away, that it would upset the black community. He accused her of “exploiting” the Holocaust by sharing a historical image. “I implore you and the Republican Party of Michigan,” he said, “Take it down! Talk to other people who have suffered, and please, don’t offend our community!”

Karamo addressed Mr. Lobatin, “Let me ask you this, “Do you speak for every Jewish person?” He replied, “Absolutely not.” Kristina responded, “Ok, so you speak for yourself.” Lobatin interrupted, “I work for the… Jewish federation of uh, Michigan…” Karamo calmly replied, “No one person speaks for an entire group of people. I don’t speak for all black people—I speak for Kristina Karamo—that’s who I speak for.” She continued, calling his accusation “disingenuous, somewhat dishonest and politically motivated.” Karamo explained that she was “simply pointing to history,” as she recalled that one of her favorite hobbies before she became the MI GOP chair, was to read about history, and that’s when the schooling began for Mr. Lobatin and every member of the leftist media mob. Karamo ended her back and forth with Lobatin by saying, “When citizens are armed, it suppresses government tyranny, and that is all—that is my point—and to try to make it about anything else is unfair.”


The next question was from a reporter who tried to accuse Karamo of deflecting the argument from gun control to her “controversial” tweet.

Karamo quickly explained that the Democrats had completely manufactured the so-called controversy.

“I love my country! I am a PATRIOT and will defend this country with my last breath!” “I am a descendent of slaves and Native Americans—would there be any controversy if I made a historical comparison to Native Americans?”


Next up was a male reporter who attempted to play “gotcha” with “Red Flag” laws that have been passed in deep red states, asking her if she thought their laws were “unconstitutional?”

Karamo, who refuses to take part in the establishment Republican club, surprised him with her brilliant response, “Absolutely, I’m a Republican; I’m not in a cult!”

The same reporter asks Karamo if she’s had people reaching out to her and asking her to take down her tweet. Karamo explained that Michigan residents have bigger issues to deal with other than her tweet, citing “Gotion,” a Chinese battery company that has pledged its allegiance to the Chines Communist Party, as an actual reason that citizens of Michigan should be outraged.

Karamo reminded the reporter that she stood before the room as a descendent of slaves and that “3 of 4 of her ancestors were part of the Great Migration North to escape racial violence,” so she’s not really interested in someone trying to lecture her on “being sensitive” about historical events.


Another reporter tries to openly plead the case for gun control legislation in MI.

Karamo gives a brilliant explanation about the dangerous reality of “red flag” & “safe storage” laws.

“One of the most common victims of violent crime are black women!” Karamo told her explaining that a lot of black women, who are single women, will be forced to comply with “this ridiculous safe storage law,” Karamo said, as she explained that she sees “every human being made in the likeness of God,” and she is fighting for the “most vulnerable” among us including women, the elderly and handicapped, who shouldn’t be forced to comply with Michigan’s new gun control legislation.


MIGOP Chair KristinaKaramo refuses to accept false accusations against her for the second time by “non-partisan” JCRC MI Exec Director, who persists in requesting she deletes a HISTORICALLY accurate account of the consequences of an unarmed society. Karamo reminds him that perhaps the reason so many people are feigning outrage and offense to her tweet is that America has become “soft,” suggesting Americans have become weak, as they are essentially “offended” by everything.


For the first time in 4 decades, Democrats took control of the majority in both the MI House in the 2022 election, and since their first day in office, they have completely steamrolled over passive Republican leadership and have passed one radical bill after another.

This week, the MI Democrat legislature was laser-focused on passing gun control laws that Michigan’s radical governor, who is auditioning for the role of President in 2024, has already said she will sign into law.

When asked if she feared she would upset the donor class, Karamo had yet another brilliant response.


We spoke with Kristina Karamo last night about her vision for a new and improved MIGOP, and she assured us she would welcome donations to the MIGOP from every American and not just Michigan residents, who believe in her vision for the Republican Party, irrespective of race, religion, or political ideology. Hopefully, she will isnpire other GOP leaders across the United States to grow a spine and fight for our Constitutional rights.

The newly elected, outspoken conservative leader of the MI GOP has made it abundantly clear that she will find a way around the big donor class in Michigan who are eager to see her fail by appealing to everyday Republicans in Michigan, as well conservatives across America who believe our God-given rights are worth fighting for.


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Author: Patty McMurray