RNC Posts 7-Minute Video of Joe Biden’s Racist Comments Over the Years

RNC Posts 7-Minute Video of Joe Biden’s Racist Comments Over the Years

RNC Posts 7-Minute Video of Joe Biden’s Racist Comments Over the Years

The Republican National Committee on Monday posted a 7-and-a-half minute video of Joe Biden’s racist comments over the last few decades.

The video is brutal.

The media claims, without evidence, that Trump is racist.

However, the same reporters ignore Joe Biden’s overt racism.

Biden’s racist remarks are on video, yet the media looks the other way.

The video highlights:

  • Biden telling black voters they ‘ain’t black’ if they vote for Trump.
  • Biden claiming poor children are black/minorities
  • Biden calling Barack Obama ‘bright, articulate and clean’
  • Biden praising segregationists
  • Biden praising KKK Grand Cyclops Robert Byrd
  • Biden claiming you can’t go into a 7-Eleven unless you have a ‘slight Indian accent.’
  • Biden claiming the black community has no diversity
  • Biden telling blacks they’re going to be put back in chains
  • Biden praising black women for stocking grocery shelves
  • Biden worried that his children would grow up in a ‘racial jungle’


The post RNC Posts 7-Minute Video of Joe Biden’s Racist Comments Over the Years appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Cristina Laila