Retired Fauci Enjoys Taxpayer-Funded Presidential-Level Security: U.S. Marshals Provide Limousine Transportation and 24/7 Protection, FOIA Reveals (VIDEO)

Retired Fauci Enjoys Taxpayer-Funded Presidential-Level Security: U.S. Marshals Provide Limousine Transportation and 24/7 Protection, FOIA Reveals (VIDEO)

Retired Fauci Enjoys Taxpayer-Funded Presidential-Level Security: U.S. Marshals Provide Limousine Transportation and 24/7 Protection, FOIA Reveals (VIDEO)

Source: Jesse Watters Primetime/Fox News

Over the last few months, there have been numerous rumors hinting that U.S. taxpayers are financing the high-end security detail and transportation expenses of the retired health official.

After months of speculation, Jesse Watters’ Primetime news filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request demanding details on the matter. The information received in response to the FOIA request revealed that taxpayers are indeed financing Dr. Fauci’s extensive security measures and high-class transportation.

Detailed documentation from the U.S. Marshals showed the agency provided Fauci with round-the-clock security and limousine services. Typically, such comprehensive benefits are reserved for the President, Vice President, and their immediate families. This raises pressing questions regarding why the same privileges are extended to Dr. Fauci, a retired health official.

“The only people who get a security detail after retirement are presidents, vice presidents, and their families,” said Jesse Watters.

“Taxpayers are still paying for Fauci’s security. Fauci’s got billions in the bank, and he doesn’t work for us anymore. So why are we paying for it?” Jesse Watters added.

According to Watters, the security detail was requested by Merrick Garland himself.

“The Attorney General, Merrick Garland, personally asked for Fauci to get the security detail. He’s slated to have it through September, maybe even longer. They still haven’t said how much it costs us. I mean, it has to be hundreds of thousands of dollars. The guy’s got world class US. Marshals. And we also found out the security detail includes a limousine for the doctor,” he said.

“So now we’ve proven that Dr. Fauci is getting around the clock security provided by the US. Marshals. That means they station someone outside his house, the limousines take him wherever he needs to go to the airport,” Watters added.

During the interview, Rand Paul told Jesse Watters that the government lied to him about taxpayers funding of Dr. Fauci’s retirement benefits. The government said that it had ceased funding for Dr. Fauci’s benefits as of January. This information now appears to have been misleading, as the recent FOIA revelation indicates that the U.S. Marshals have been funding the benefits.

“We asked HHS early in the summer. We said, ‘Is he still working, and does he have this limo, and does he have a driver, and does he have a security detail?’ Well, HHS actually came back to us and said they haven’t been paying for it since January,” shared Rand Paul.

“Then we discovered that FOX did a Freedom of Information Act, and a judge forced them to say that, well, while HHS wasn’t directly funding it, the U.S. Marshals were funding it.”

“So, can you imagine? We asked the government, ‘Are you funding his limo and his driver and his security detail?’ and they say, ‘Oh, we’re not doing it, but somebody else is doing it. And then we’re reimbursing them.’ So it’s a terrible example of the government lying to its representatives and to the people.”

“The only retired official I know of that gets this kind of treatment is a former president. So, I have no idea why this bureaucrat still has a limo driver, security detail, and we want to know, does he still get legal representation? Because I think he may need that eventually,” concluded Rand Paul.


The post Retired Fauci Enjoys Taxpayer-Funded Presidential-Level Security: U.S. Marshals Provide Limousine Transportation and 24/7 Protection, FOIA Reveals (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jim Hoft