REPORT: NYPD Officers Are Fleeing The Force In Droves

REPORT: NYPD Officers Are Fleeing The Force In Droves

REPORT: NYPD Officers Are Fleeing The Force In Droves

New York City’s new mayor Eric Adams ran on a platform of returning law and order to the city but he is not delivering.

The men and women of the NYPD do not feel supported by city leaders and are leaving the force by retiring or finding other jobs.

Police feel that the leaders of New York City are more concerned about protecting criminals.

The New York Post reports:

Nearly 2,000 NYPD cops quitting before getting full pensions — a 71% jump from 2021

The NYPD is still hemorrhaging cops.

Ever-growing exodus figures show 2,465 police officers have filed to leave the department this year — 42% more than the 1,731 who exited at the same time last year, according to the latest pension fund stats obtained by The Post.

More disturbing is the fact that the number of cops hanging up their holsters early — before reaching 20 years for a full pension — has skyrocketed 71% this year from the year before (1,098 from 641).

NYPD Police Benevolent Association President Patrick Lynch said the so-called “voluntary quits” are driving the “stampede” — and not a big academy class that graduated in 2022, as claimed last month by Chief of Department Kenneth Corey.

“We have had retirement waves caused by large academy classes before — they were nothing like this,” said Lynch.

“This exodus is the result of cops in the prime of their careers deciding they have had enough. … The NYPD should stop trying to explain this staffing crisis away. Admit there’s a problem and help us fix it,” he said.

This is not happening by accident. The left is to blame for this.

The crime situation in New York is only going to get worse.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

The post REPORT: NYPD Officers Are Fleeing The Force In Droves appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Mike LaChance