Report: Border Agents Are Bracing For ‘Disaster,’ Expect 170,000 Illegal Immigrants In Just One Month

Report: Border Agents Are Bracing For ‘Disaster,’ Expect 170,000 Illegal Immigrants In Just One Month

Border agents and officials are reportedly concerned about a looming “disaster” of an influx of illegal immigrants once Title 42 is lifted by the Biden administration.

Title 42 is a pandemic-era order that allows border authorities to immediately expel illegal immigrants who attempt to cross the border on public health grounds.

Multiple outlets have indicated the Biden administration is seeking to wind down the policy by May 23 following a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) review.

The New York Post reports that authorities are anticipating a “disaster” at the southern border should that happen.

“Last year, we were calling it a crisis. This year, it will be a disaster. This is the calm before the storm,” warned Val Verde County Sheriff Joe Frank Martinez.

The outlet notes that once Title 42 is lifted, “officials are bracing for an influx of up to 170,000 migrants and up to 13,000 unaccompanied children crossing the border in May alone.”

RELATED: NY Rep. Calls For Biden To Be Impeached After Police Video Shows Feds Flying Illegal Immigrants Into NY

Title 42 Repeal Set to Create a Border Disaster

Perhaps more alarming is a thread provided by Fox News reporter Hillary Vaughn who cites a source from the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

That source claims the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “is bracing for as many as 500,000 migrants in the six weeks following Title 42 being lifted.”

That is an alarming number by any administration measuring stick.

The source, according to Vaughn, indicates DHS is struggling to find a solution to provide COVID vaccines to illegal immigrants as has been promised by the administration.

“DHS has been providing the COVID-19 vaccines to noncitizens in ICE custody since summer 2021,” a department spokesperson said, adding that they would be “expanding these efforts.”

But the White House is struggling to attain funding for these vaccines, having urgently requested $22.5 billion “to sustain our nation’s COVID-19 response.”

RELATED: Newly Released Police Video Shows Federal Contractors Flying Illegal Immigrants Into New York Airport

Taking Away From Veterans?

Vaughn Reports that her CBP source has indicated the administration is considering pulling medical resources from veterans to aid in the effort.

“We’re going to take medical services away from people that really deserve that. Who went to combat … to give free medical attention to illegal migrants,” the source allegedly told her, though no further evidence was provided.

The CBP source tells Vaughn the Biden administration is preparing for double the number of migrants that came in 2021 in a year-long timeframe after Title 42 is lifted.

“I would say its conservative to say double what came in last year,” she quotes them as saying.

No matter how you view the crisis, these reports represent a staggering number of illegal immigrants and would be unprecedented in U.S. history, making last year’s record-breaking border crisis look like the good ole days.

The numbers tell the story:

Earlier this year, Republican Representative Claudia Tenney of New York called for President Biden’s impeachment due to the border crisis.

Tenney’s demands came following the release of a police video showing illegal immigrants being flown by federal contractors into an airport in New York in the dead of night.

“This is a complete, aggravated dereliction of duty, which is why last night on Twitter I called for Joe Biden to be impeached and removed,” Tenney demanded.

“His primary obligation as the commander-in-chief and president of the United States is to enforce our laws, to live up to his oath, to enforce our border security and to tell the truth to the American people,” she added.

Instead, he’s going to lift Title 42 and create a “disaster” at the border some had already assumed had reached a critical tipping point.

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