I apologize in advance for subjecting you to the following clip from CNN. It has the video of Putin I wanted to share but, unfortunately, is followed up by commentary by two of the dumbest, most dishonest pundits in America — retired Army General Mark Hertling and retired CIA Officer Steve Hall (one of my former classmates in the Career Trainee program). With no sense of irony or shame, both Hertling and Hall accuse Putin of lying. That is rich. Hall, if you recall, was one of the 51 “former” intelligence officers who falsely claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop was some wicked, Bolshi plot. This is the ultimate example of the pot calling the kettle black. Look in the mirror, Steve.
Putin’s expletive directed at the United States (i.e., it is more properly translated as “Fuck You” then “Shove It” according to Andrei Martyanov) is out of character for Putin, who normally presents a very reserved demeanor and circumspect language when doing the public thing. Not this time. He did not mince words and betrayed a growing level of frustration with U.S. bullying and abuses. Russia is at war with the United States and will conduct itself accordingly.
Putin’s Kremlin spokesman, Peskov, hammered this point home with a succinct statement — the war between the Russian Federation and the West has actually begun.

The CNN clip is representative of the blatant lies being fed to the American public. The mendacious crap presented by Hertling and Hall is not atypical. Their commentary reflects the disinformation that is universally spread in the establishment media, both electronic and print.
In a subsequent meeting with representatives of several African nations trying to to broker a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, Putin again minced no words in condemning the refusal of Ukraine and its Western allies to bargain in good faith. Putin made several key points:
All the problems in Ukraine began after the state, nonconstitutional, armed and bloody coup in Ukraine in 2014. And this coup was supported by Western sponsors. As a matter of fact, they are not ashamed to say so. They even named the amount of money that they spent on the preparation and implementation of this coup d’état.”
Putin then made some news as he delved into the details of the failed negotiations with Ukraine in April 2022. For the first time Putin showed the negotiated document of agreement, initialed by the Ukrainian negotiator, and explained that as a show of good faith Russia withdrew its tanks that were deployed on the northern border of Kiev in April. This exposes the lie that the Ukrainians “forced” the Russians to retreat. Nope. The Russians pulled back their tanks as part of the anticipated peace deal. That agreement was sabotaged by Western intervention — Zelensky was pressured to back away and he did.
The following video clips show Putin scoring some important points with the African delegation.
I think it is fair to conclude that Putin and his national security team have zero confidence or trust in any negotiation proposals advanced by Ukraine or the West.
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Author: Larry Johnson