Prince Harry Insults His New Home During Speech

Prince Harry Insults His New Home During Speech

Prince Harry Insults His New Home During Speech

On Monday, during a keynote speech  at the U.N. honoring Nelson Mandela International Day, Prince Harry took the opportunity to insult his adopted country.  

While Harry shared endearing stories of Mandela, he apparently felt the forum and the occasion were appropriate to deviate from celebrating the lauded Human Rights leader and shift to left-wing talking points.

The New York Post reported:

Prince Harry blasted freedoms in his new home, the US, Monday in an address to the United Nations in New York City — as he warned of a “global assault on democracy and freedom.”

The runaway UK royal was delivering a keynote speech to the UN General Assembly in honor of the late South African leader Nelson Mandela when he pointed to the US as a cautionary tale.

“From the horrific war in Ukraine to the rolling back of constitutional rights here in the United States, we are witnessing a global assault on democracy and freedom — the cause of Mandela’s life,” he said.

“This has been a painful year in a painful decade,” the Duke of Sussex continued.

“We’re living through a pandemic that continues to ravage communities in every corner of the globe; climate change wreaking havoc on our planet, with the most vulnerable suffering most of all; the few, weaponizing lies and disinformation at the expense of the many.”

Twitter users were unimpressed with Harry’s America bashing.

Harry doesn’t seem to mind availing himself of private jets or expending the resources necessary to live in a 18,000 square foot home  he lectures the little people on saving the environment.  He and his woke wife Megan are reported to have take 21 private jets in two years according to Newsweek.

While Harry lectures the world on abortion restrictions in America, he is conveniently silent about the limits on abortion in his homeland and around the world.

The post Prince Harry Insults His New Home During Speech appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Assistant Editor