Perfect: Jon Stewart Honors Ukrainian Neo-Nazi with “Heart of the Team Award” at Disney World (VIDEO)

Perfect: Jon Stewart Honors Ukrainian Neo-Nazi with “Heart of the Team Award” at Disney World (VIDEO)

Perfect: Jon Stewart Honors Ukrainian Neo-Nazi with “Heart of the Team Award” at Disney World (VIDEO)

Jon Stewart and Ihor Halushka

The Biden administration invited their heroes, the Azov Battalion, a neo-Nazi group, to Disney World recently where they were honored as esteemed guests of the Pentagon.

Leftist Jon Stewart awarded neo-Nazi Ihor Halushka with the coveted “Heart of the Team Award.”


Jon Stewart honored a popular member of the Neo-Nazi “Azov Battalion” with the “Heart of the Team Award” during ceremonies at Disney World.

Via Tucker Carlson.

The GrayZone reported:

Defense Department-sponsored “Warrior Games” featured liberal comedian Jon Stewart awarding a member of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battalion at Disney World. The Pentagon refused to tell The Grayzone whether US taxpayers funded the foreign competitors’ travel.

This August, during the Department of Defense’s annual Warrior Games at Disney World in Orlando, Florida this August 19-28, liberal comedian Jon Stewart awarded a Ukrainian military veteran named Ihor Halushka the “Heart of the Team” award for “inspiring his team” with his “personal example.”

Halushka happens to have been a member of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, which has been armed by the US and integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard. The award-winning ultra-nationalist wore a sleeve over his left arm as he accepted the prize, presumably to cover up his tattoo of the Nazi Sonnenrad, or Black Sun.

Never forget.

FOX News Interviews Ukrainian President Zelensky – Edits Out Him Responding to Azov Battalion Atrocities “They Are What They Are”

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Author: Jim Hoft