Pelosi Gets Heated Over Simple Question All Americans Deserve to Know Answer to: ‘Don’t Bother Me’
Pelosi Gets Heated Over Simple Question All Americans Deserve to Know Answer to: ‘Don’t Bother Me’
Outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi won re-election last month for the 18th time last month. She’s been serving in the House since assuming office in June, 1987.
But will she continue to serve for another two years, completing the term of the 118th Congress? Don’t ask me.
Don’t ask her, either — it’s not a question she wants to answer, apparently.
Reporters who didn’t know that, if there were any, found out during a Thursday news conference when someone had the audacity to bring it up.
“Will you commit to serving your full two-year term for the people of San Francisco?” a reporter asked.
“What is this? What is this?” Pelosi responded.
“Don’t bother me with a question like that. Really. Really, OK? I said what I’m gonna do,” she said, without actually saying what she was going to do. “You know?
“Those kind of questions are such a waste of my time,” she concluded, apparently unaware of the fact that she wasted much more time — about 15 seconds — by complaining about the question, whereas a simple “Yes” would have taken less than a second, or a more hedge-y “That’s my intention” would have taken maybe two.
You can see the entire news conference here, if you have a particularly strong stomach. But to spare those who don’t, we’ve queued it up to the pertinent exchange:
A lot of Twitter users who saw the clip when RNC Research posted it had the same reaction I did.
It took her longer to rebuff the question than answer it.
— fascist.Genna (@AverageDeplora2) December 15, 2022
Simply answering ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and “Next question.” would have been a much less waste of time than her response.
— Robert (@RobertBozeman18) December 15, 2022
A waste of her time. Her response took more time than her answer would have
— Kerri Walah (@WalahKerri) December 15, 2022
“Silence, peasant” vibe is strong with her.
— Mark Starrett
(@MTStarrett) December 15, 2022
And then there was this one, which I have to admit made me laugh.
The people of San Francisco are a waste of everybody’s time.
— The Amazing Rando (@MtnPortugee) December 15, 2022
So, at least I got a chuckle out of this exchange — which is considerably more than the reporter got out of it.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.
The post Pelosi Gets Heated Over Simple Question All Americans Deserve to Know Answer to: ‘Don’t Bother Me’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
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Author: George Upper, The Western Journal