
NYC Mayor Eric Adams Reveals CCNY and Columbia Protests Infiltrated by ‘Outside Agitators’ Linked to TERRORIST Groups, Many Arrested Were Not Students (VIDEO)

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Reveals CCNY and Columbia Protests Infiltrated by ‘Outside Agitators’ Linked to TERRORIST Groups, Many Arrested Were Not Students (VIDEO)

Credit: New York City Mayor Eric Adams/Youtube

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has alleged that protests at Columbia University and City College of New York (CCNY) were infiltrated by “outside agitators” affiliated with “terrorist groups.”

In an interview with Vladimir Duthiers on CBS Morning, Adams detailed the city’s response to the chaotic scenes that unfolded at both institutions where nearly 300 individuals were arrested Tuesday night.

“These were not spontaneous student movements but calculated disruptions by professional agitators,” Adams explained, noting that a significant portion of those arrested had no affiliations with either university.

Adams asserted that the protests were “hijacked” by “outside agitators” with ties to “terrorist groups.” He cited intelligence reports identifying individuals with professional backgrounds and connections to terrorism among those arrested.

Eric Adams: “Well, there were two operations tonight. One was with CCNY and one was with Columbia University. Once I became aware of the outside agitators who were part of this operation, as Columbia mentioned in their letter and their request with the New York City Police Department, it was clear we had to take appropriate actions. When our Intelligence Division identified those who are professionals, well-trained, one of them was married to someone that was arrested for terrorism. We knew these children were being exploited and they were in danger and it would have been irresponsible not to reply to the request from Columbia University.”

Vladimir Duthiers: “Mr. Mayor, when you say that the protests have been co-opted by professional outside agitators, how do you distinguish between those outside agitators and students who are just protesting peacefully? Who is this individual who is connected to a terrorist?”

Eric Adams: “Well, it’s not singular. It’s plural, several organizations and groups. I want to be clear on that. We did not take this action lightly. Once the Columbia University team and leadership in their letter acknowledged that outside agitators were on their campus grounds, we looked at our intel and information. I was briefed by the Intelligence Division, and they were able to identify organizations and individuals who were not students, but were professional agitators. We realized after the breaking into Hamilton Hall, some of the tactics, some of the methods, these have clearly been used across the globe, and we understood how really dangerous this situation had become.”

Vladimir Duthiers: “Okay, but Mr. Mayor, give us some information on who this individual or individuals who are connected to terrorism found themselves in police custody, which I’m guessing they are now in police custody.”

Eric Adams: “Well, if you look at, you can find this information. They’re proudly acknowledging themselves on social media platforms, and I’m going to let the Intelligence Division do their job on what information should be released and what information should not be released. When we do an analysis of all those who were arrested, a substantial number of them were not students of CUNY and were not students of Columbia University.”

On Tuesday night, The Gateway Pundit reported that the wife of a known terrorist was protesting at the Columbian University campus.

CBS’ Ali Bauman, in a now-deleted post, wrote that New York City Hall sources notified her that the wife of the known terrorist was seen at the Columbia University protests.

NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism Rebecca Weiner has clarified that the wife of a man convicted of terrorism, previously thought to be involved in last night’s protests, was not actually part of the events.

She explained that the woman was present on the Columbia campus last week and stated, “We have no evidence of any criminal wrongdoing on her part.”

Sami Al-Arian proudly tweeted out her picture at the Columbia University anti-Israel encampment on Friday, April 26.

Sami Al-Arian was indicted in February 2003 on 17 counts under the Patriot Act. A jury acquitted him on 8 counts and deadlocked on the remaining 9 counts. He later struck a plea bargain and admitted to one of the remaining charges in exchange for being released and deported. He was deported to Turkey on February 4, 2015.

Al-Arian was accused of aiding terrorists. In February 2003, it charged Al-Arian with racketeering for Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ).

NYPD Deputy Commissioner Weiner noted that individuals linked to a shift towards more aggressive tactics were observed at Columbia, representing an “elevated concern,” abc7 reported.

“The situation had escalated to a level where the safety of students, staff, and the public was jeopardized,” stated Police Commissioner Edward Caban.

There were 282 arrests for primarily minor offenses, with 173 at City College and 119 at Columbia. The charges included trespassing, criminal mischief, and burglary.

Some of those arrested were not students, a trend also seen at other universities.

“There is a movement to radicalize young people,” Adams said per abc7.

According to Fox News, some of the groups involved in the protests are associated with far-left organizations backed by George Soros. These groups, including National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP), have been accused of using anti-Israel rhetoric and promoting radical views.


The post NYC Mayor Eric Adams Reveals CCNY and Columbia Protests Infiltrated by ‘Outside Agitators’ Linked to TERRORIST Groups, Many Arrested Were Not Students (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jim Hᴏft