MYPILLOW CEO MIKE LINDELL Reveals He Had To Take Out $10 Million Loan To Keep His “Employee-Owned” AMERICAN Company Afloat Because of Lawsuits Against Him Over His Fight For Election Integrity
MYPILLOW CEO MIKE LINDELL Reveals He Had To Take Out $10 Million Loan To Keep His “Employee-Owned” AMERICAN Company Afloat Because of Lawsuits Against Him Over His Fight For Election Integrity
NOBODY—and I mean NOBODY has worked as hard or risked as much as My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell to discover the truth about what happened in the 2020 election that caused the most popular President in recent history to lose to a guy who campaigned from his basement and couldn’t get a dozen supporters to hear him speak when he finally did emerge from his safe space.

100 Percent Fed Up reports – From exposing the truth about how voting machines are vulnerable to hacking (a well-known issue that Democrats warned about following the 2016 election) to questioning why states are still using ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center), a third-party, based on a George Soros-funded Pew Research survey that “maintains” voter rolls. ERIC was designed by David Becker, a far-left lawyer tied to multiple dirty Democrats. ERIC is given private information of voters by multiple states across America. In turn, ERIC, without the consent of voters, shares your data with third-party organizations. To date, of 34 states, three states have discontinued their relationships with ERIC, while several more states are set to do the same.
Without Mike Lindell’s messaging, much of the progress that’s been made to expose loopholes and dirty tricks used by Democrats to steal our elections would never have happened.
But instead of offering praise to Mike Lindell for fighting for free and fair elections in America, the Left attacked him. Dominion Voting Machines, who refused Mike’s offer to let a team of forensic specialists examine their machines to prove they can’t be hacked or rigged in favor of certain candidates or proposals, threatened My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell with a letter from defamation lawyers. In the letter, Dominion lawyer Thomas A. Clare called Lindell’s attacks on the voting company used in all six contested states “implausible,” adding they have “no basis in reality.” They have since sued Mike Lindell for $1.3 BILLION. Mike Lindell almost immediately sued Dominion Voting Machines for “suppression of speech and attacks on the company”(My Pillow).
Shortly after the breach of the Jan 6 breach of the Capitol, Bed Bath & Beyond, Kohls H-E-B, and Wayfair all announced they would stop carrying My Pillow products in their stores over Mike Lindell’s close relationship with President Trump after Democrats, RINOs, and many in the media blamed President Trump’s speech for the “spontaneous” attack.
Now, Mike Lindell, a fearless warrior for Christ and for the truth, has announced that he was forced to take out a $10 million loan last year to keep his American company, My Pillow, afloat.
Watch Mike explain how he had to take out three loans in the amount of $10 million to keep his employee-owned company in business:
Mike Lindell reveals that MyPillow is going broke because of his battle to prove Trump won, and he had to borrow $10 million to keep things going.
— Ron Filipkowski
(@RonFilipkowski) March 16, 2023
Mike Lindell became a media target when he boldly proclaimed his love for God and praised President Trump during a press conference on March 30.
During a coronavirus briefing in the Rose Garden, My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell, a close personal friend of President Trump, thanked him for his leadership and then turned to President Trump and asked him if he could read something that he wrote off the cuff?
“God gave us grace on November 8, 2016, to change the course we were on. God had been taken out of our schools and lives. A nation had turned its back on God. And I encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the word. Read our Bibles and spend time with our families.
Our president gave us so much hope, where just a few short months ago, we had the best economy, the lowest unemployment, and wages going up—it was amazing.
With our great President, Vice President and this administration, and all the great people of this nation praying daily, we will get through this and get back to a place that’s stronger and safer than ever.”
President Trump introducing @realMikeLindell at today’s Rona Rally
Thank you President Trump and Mike Lindell for helping save America!!!
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) March 30, 2020
It doesn’t matter who you are; if you’re a public figure and you dare to support God, America, President Trump, and conservative values, you need to be prepared to face the wrath of Democrats and their allies in the media.
This is the time when Americans who admire Mike’s courage for defending God, America, free and fair elections, and for the truth to be revealed about President Trump’s 2020 victory to support My Pillow!
Go to to purchase Bible pillows for your children and grandchildren instead of chocolate from the woke Hershey company:
Purchase one of Mike’s top-quality dog beds for your dog and get special savings:
Or how about a new robe or slippers for someone you love? Mike even has slippers for cooler weather that are new to his website. Click HERE to get his MASSIVE CLOSEOUT deals prices on his all-season slippers!
If you already have one or more of his signature MyPillows, consider buying his new MyPillow 2.0 with new technology. Go HERE to get the Buy One Get One Free deal with promo code: “100GP.”
Use this fitting guide to choose the pillow that’s right for you!
Here’s how it works:
1. Click here to go to the “Closeout and Overstock Sale” page.
2. When you get to checkout, look for the “Enter Promo Code” box.
3. Put FEDUP in that box, click “Apply” and you’ll get up to 80% off (plus you’ll be benefiting the Gateway Pundit and100 Percent Fed Up).
Here are just some of the deals on the 100GP discounts page:
Please use promo code “FedUp” at checkout to get amazing savings. When you use the “100GP” code, you are helping the Gateway Pundit and 100 Percent Fed Up, as well as supporting Mike Lindell’s American MyPillow company!
The post MYPILLOW CEO MIKE LINDELL Reveals He Had To Take Out $10 Million Loan To Keep His “Employee-Owned” AMERICAN Company Afloat Because of Lawsuits Against Him Over His Fight For Election Integrity appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
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Author: Patty McMurray