Mika Brzezinski Dog Whistles Antifa Terrorists and Supreme Court Assassins in Morning Joe Meltdown, Repeatedly Calls Republicans “Fascists”, Says Trump GOP and Justices a “Danger…to American Freedom” (Video)

Mika Brzezinski Dog Whistles Antifa Terrorists and Supreme Court Assassins in Morning Joe Meltdown, Repeatedly Calls Republicans “Fascists”, Says Trump GOP and Justices a “Danger…to American Freedom” (Video)

Mika Brzezinski Dog Whistles Antifa Terrorists and Supreme Court Assassins in Morning Joe Meltdown, Repeatedly Calls Republicans “Fascists”, Says Trump GOP and Justices a “Danger…to American Freedom” (Video)

MSNBC’s Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski had a meltdown during Monday’s show about the Supreme Court decision last week returning abortion lawmaking to the states, ranting that ‘fascist’ Trump Republicans and President Trump’s Supreme Court nominees were taking over the country and needed to be stopped.

Brzezinski said of the Republican Party of President Trump they are, “an extreme, autocratic, anti-women, anti-gay, anti-contraception, anti-freedom collection of fascists who dominate the Trump wing of today’s GOP. A group of fascists…To call Trump’s Republican Party and Trump’s Supreme Court extreme understates the danger these institutions pose to American freedom, to our democracy. They are fascists…”

In a dog whistle to violent Antifa terrorists and would-be Supreme Court assassins, Brzezinski said the words “fascism” or “fascists” a total of six times in her nearly three minute rant. While Brzezinski did not explicitly call for violence and urged people to vote Democratic, her repeatedly calling Republicans and Trump Supreme Court nominees the incendiary slur “fascists” in this writers opinion sends a signal to take them out by any means necessary.

File screen image, June 14, 2017.

MSNBC posted Brzezinski’s rant to YouTube with the caption, “Mika Brzezinski weighs in on the impact of the Supreme Court’s ruling on Roe v. Wade and why Democrats are the last, best hope against ‘an extreme, autocratic, anti-women, anti-gay, anti-contraception, anti-freedom collection of fascists who dominate the Trump wing of today’s GOP.’” This version includes husband Joe Scarborough’s setup for wife Mika’s rant.

Brzezinski’s rant was also promoted on Twitter, “To call Trump’s Republican Party and Trump’s Supreme Court ‘extreme’ understates the danger these institutions pose to American freedom–to our democracy…For all the Democratic party’s flaws, they’re the only party that can stem this continued rise of fascism.”–@morningmika.”

Transcript via the Media Research Center:

I’ve been hearing from women all over the country and even around the world. This is devastating. And I, you know, they asked me what we can do, and I’ve got two words, please vote.

It was Winston Churchill who said that democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others that have been tried, and the same might be said of the Democratic Party at this point. Democrats somehow managed to get the most votes and lose the most elections, but they need more. Even when they win, they lose.

It could be argued today’s Democrats are too weak, too fragile, too woke, too elitist, too disconnected from the realities of working Americans, and yet the Democratic Party is the world’s last best hope against fascism — against an extreme, autocratic, anti-woman, an anti-gay, anti-contraception, anti-freedom collection of fascists who dominate the Trump wing of today’s Republican Party.

A group of fascists who even refuse to investigate the violent riots that their president launched on January 6th to overthrow a legitimately elected president. Why? Because they are fascists.

And now they’re claiming control over your bodies, your health, your life. And they’ve promised they’re coming next to take away your birth control pills and even what you do with another consenting adult in the privacy of your own bedroom.

To call Trump’s Republican Party and Trump’s Supreme Court extreme understates the danger these institutions pose to American freedom, to our democracy.

They are fascists who have contempt for what 70 percent of Americans believe about Roe v. Wade, what 90 percent of Americans believe about universal background checks, and what you believe about your right to control your own body and your life.

So what does Donald Trump’s America look like?

Joe sort of described it there. In reality, it looks like a 13-year-old rape and incest victim being ordered by the state to have a forced birth of her rapist’s baby. That’s where we are in 2022.

And for all the Democratic Party’s flaws, they’re the only party that can stem this continued rise of fascism. Register and vote. Work toward an overwhelming majority that can protect your body, protect your freedoms, and just may save our country.

The post Mika Brzezinski Dog Whistles Antifa Terrorists and Supreme Court Assassins in Morning Joe Meltdown, Repeatedly Calls Republicans “Fascists”, Says Trump GOP and Justices a “Danger…to American Freedom” (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Kristinn Taylor