MI Democrats Get Last Laugh As Republican Leadership Helps Them Pass Radical Leftist Agenda After Taking Control of MI Legislature For First Time in 40 Years
MI Democrats Get Last Laugh As Republican Leadership Helps Them Pass Radical Leftist Agenda After Taking Control of MI Legislature For First Time in 40 Years
It’s Bad Enough That Radical, Far-Left MI Democrats Are In Control Of The MI Legislature For The First Time in 40 Years…But Now, We Have Republican Lawmakers Who Are Actually Helping Them To Pass Their Radical Legislation.

100 Percent Fed Up exclusive – We are constantly told that America First people don’t believe in ‘unity’ in the party, but the RINOs continue to vote against and hurt the Republican base.
Unfortunately for conservatives in Michigan, Republican Party “leader,” Minority Speaker Matt Hall (R-Kalamazoo), has made it quite clear that he is a moderate who is willing to make cowardly backroom deals with left-wing Democrat zealots running the legislature.
Matt Hall had the opportunity to investigate 2020 election fraud as Chairman of the Oversight Committee when Republicans had the majority. Instead, he did nothing, refusing even to look into the subpoena returns from subpoenas issued by his committee in December 2020.
In 2021, the Gateway Pundit obtained the Detroit absentee ballot drop box footage from the 2020 election, and 100 Percent Fed Up worked with them and MC4EI, a local team of election integrity investigators, to review the footage and share our findings with the public. One of the things we discovered is US Postal workers dropping stacks of ballots into absentee ballot drop boxes instead of delivering them to the Detroit Office of Elections, which, according to the Detroit USPS District Manager, confirmed was prohibited behavior, as specified by the US Post Office. MI SOS Jocelyn Benson references the video on the “fact-checking” portion of her government website, where she calls it “normal and legal activity.” Rep. Matt Hall, who was chair of the House Oversight Committee tasked with investigating the election crimes of 2020, ignored these and several other obvious crimes that could have prevented the Democrats from “winning” a majority in the House and Senate in the 2022 election, for the first time in four decades.
After the 2000 Mules movie was released in theaters, I ran into Rep. Matt Hall at the GOP State Convention and asked him if he had watched any of the drop box footage the House obtained from the Detroit Office of Elections that were allegedly being stored in a secure room. Incredibly, Rep. Hall told me he had not bothered to look at the footage a full two years after the most hotly contested election in Michigan history.
Either Rep. Hall was too lazy to investigate the election crimes of 2020, or he doesn’t care that voters in Michigan and across the United States still believe the 2020 election, and likely, the 2022 election, were both stolen.
Last month, Rep. Matt Hall voted for gun control, known as “safe storage.”
Hall has been faced with repeated staffing departures, and now, he is reportedly only allowed to have male staff—WHY???
The House Minority Leader also has a history of making online racist threats (see examples of threats he wrote below).
Next in line behind House Minority Leader Matt Hall is the newly elected Republican Caucus Chair, Rep. Ken Borton (R-Gaylord).
Rep. Borton is an unremarkable second-term lawmaker whose biggest accomplishment as a Freshman state representative was to successfully whip votes for a bill that would strip local citizens, homeowners associations, and communities of the right to decide whether or not they would allow commercial properties to operate in residential areas.
After Ken Borton won a seat in the MI House of Representatives in 2020, he ignored the cries of his constituents to do something about voter fraud in Michigan. Instead, one of the first acts by the freshman congressman, who previously made a living from the short-term rental business before running for office, was to rally support for a bill sponsored by fellow GOP Rep. Sarah Lightner of Springport Township that would strip zoning decisions from homeowners in their communities and hand them over to the state.
In an overnight session on October 27, 2021, Michigan House lawmakers approved legislation in a 55-48 vote that would prohibit cities and townships from banning short-term rental housing.
The controversial legislation would include short-term rentals as a valid residential use under Michigan’s zoning act, upending zoning changes local communities have made or are considering to limit and regulate short-term rentals by deeming them a “commercial use.”
Rep. Ken Borton, like Rep Hall, is beholden to special interest groups that support his future political ambitions:
Unsurprisingly, Rep. Ken Borton would receive the endorsement and campaign funding from the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC), which benefits realtors working with LLCs and hedge funds who consistently overbid individuals for homes in northern Michigan that they plan to turn into commercial short-term rental properties.
From Ken Borton’s Facebook page: I am proud to be endorsed by the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC).
One of Rep. Borton’s first acts in the new 2023 MI legislature was to vote “Yes,” on a Democrat-sponsored law prohibiting drivers in Michigan from using their cell phones while driving.
Like Rep. Matt Hall, Rep. Borton talks a big game while he’s campaigning. Still, based on his actions, or his inaction, in the case of election integrity issues, he appears only to be interested in doing whatever is necessary to gain favor with the dirty powerbrokers in Lansing.
In a plot twist, it’s emerging that, quietly behind the scenes, fellow RINO Rep. Bryan Posthumus is collecting the votes to dethrone Hall.

Posthumus is doing this quietly with the support of freshmen legislators who don’t know how liberal the family is. This is a favorite RINO trick: shamelessly call yourself conservative to get elected, and then surprise everyone with liberalism and moderation when in power.
Posthumus comes from a family of RINOs.
His sister Lisa ran for Lieutenant Governor with RINO Bill Schuette in 2018, running such a lackluster campaign that they lost to evil Gretchen Whitmer. Lisa then became clerk of Kent County, constantly admonishing election integrity patriots that there was no voter fraud in the 2020 election. Bryan and Lisa’s father, Dick Posthumus, is a former RINO Lieutenant Governor under John Engler from 1999-2002.
Posthumus appears to have a drinking issue, and then there’s his infamous DUI arrest last year after wrecking his vehicle that landed him in jail for 15 days.
MLive reported on Rep. Posthumus’ sentencing – Posthumus tested at a blood-alcohol content of 0.13% at the time of the crash. The threshold for drunken driving in Michigan is 0.08%.
“As I just stated, you’re lucky to be here,” Judge O’Hara told Rep. Posthumus at his sentencing. “You’ve been previously convicted of operating while intoxicated in 2013. And so, as we begin this sentencing hearing, I think, ‘What didn’t you learn back in 2013?’ It just goes to show you: anybody, whether you’re a state rep or anyone else, addiction, alcoholism, it affects all of us.”
Hall moved into his district to avoid running in a primary against Rep. Sarah Lightner after trying to buy her off, and Posthumus shamelessly doesn’t even live in his district, declaring an abandoned farmhouse as his homestead.
Gongwer reported on the incident – “Rep. Hall asked me to sit out for two years, and he would give me a job. That, to me, was a little offensive,” she said. “I’m not willing to barter or negotiate me running for the 45th. … I just really feel like I have a better connection with people in general when it comes to face-to-face and one on one talking to them.”
Ms. Lightner said that conversation happened on a Friday. She then filed to run for reelection out of the new 45th District on a Monday.
“That kind of put me over the tipping edge,” she said.
Mr. Hall should be the one to move, Ms. Lightner said. Her children attend Springport schools. Her husband is an elected member of the local school board. The family owns a farm that has long been in her husband’s family. Mr. Hall is single, has no children, and does not have long-term roots in the area, she said.
What’s really going on here, though, is that Matt Hall is aligned with Michigan consultant John Yob.

Yob was the consultant behind RINO Michigan Governor Rick Snyder and was behind the many failed campaigns of loser moderates over the years, including Detroit Police Chief James Craig’s failed bid for Governor, and is now working with Perry Johnson for President, which will split up the Trump vote in early primaries.
Yob was the consultant working for Chief Craig and Perry Johnson’s campaigns for the Republican candidate for MI governor when they were both kicked off the ballot for turning in fraudulent signatures on their required petitions that were gathered by a known fraudster, who was hired by Yob.
The upstanding Rep. Bryan Posthumus is part of the establishment GOP faction of Team Betsy DeVos from the west side of the state, who is reportedly planning to use her money and many staffers to displace Hall.
Posthumus is already organizing against Trump, circulating a letter for representatives to sign, pledging support for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
It’s no secret in Michigan politics that, having lost the delegate race in 2022 despite spending tremendous amounts of money in primaries to pick and choose their moderates, the America Last crowd is planning to come back in 2024; they are simply biding their time.
Betsy DeVos, who does billions of dollars of trade with Communist China, is expected to run for statewide office as a Republican soon, perhaps for an expected U.S. Senate race in 2024.

Michigan residents need to buckle up—not only will they face some of the most challenging times in the state’s history with a Communist-style Democrat Party leadership, but the weak-kneed Republican leadership has no interest in stopping them unless it somehow benefits their political future.
Elected officials are supposed to be servants of the people who elected them, not of special interests or billionaire donors. There no longer seem to be any checks or balances in our government as our Founding Fathers intended. Sadly, if our Founding Fathers were alive today, they would wonder why they risked so much to form a representative-style government if the only people the majority of our elected officials represent are themselves and their best interests.
The post MI Democrats Get Last Laugh As Republican Leadership Helps Them Pass Radical Leftist Agenda After Taking Control of MI Legislature For First Time in 40 Years appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
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Author: Patty McMurray