LAWLESS KATIE HOBBS: AZ Secretary of State Has Not Updated Primary Results Since 7 AM — She’s Doing TV Hits Instead of her Job — Still 20% of Vote Allegedly Not Counted! …UPDATED

LAWLESS KATIE HOBBS: AZ Secretary of State Has Not Updated Primary Results Since 7 AM — She’s Doing TV Hits Instead of her Job — Still 20% of Vote Allegedly Not Counted! …UPDATED

LAWLESS KATIE HOBBS: AZ Secretary of State Has Not Updated Primary Results Since 7 AM — She’s Doing TV Hits Instead of her Job — Still 20% of Vote Allegedly Not Counted! …UPDATED

The Arizona primary election was held on Tuesday night.

The election results are still not finished — and it’s noon Eastern on Wednesday!

The election results in Arizona has not been updated since at least 7 AM this morning.

Katie Hobbs came roaring back in her race on Tuesday from a 10 point deficit and now leads the Republican primary for governor by 12,000 votes.

Blake Masters won his GOP primary race for US Senate from Arizona by 62,000 votes.

But the election numbers have not been updated since before 7 AM Eastern time Wednesday morning!

In France, they can count 30 million paper ballots and release the results y 8 PM on election night!

Katie Hobbs can’t count 3 million votes by machine in 36 hours.

Katie Hobbs was doing TV hits this morning as the election results stalled out for several hours.
What kind of fraud is she cooking up?

And last night she was defending Pimal County after they ran out of ballots within hours.

What is going on?

Is the steal in play?

Katie Hobbs MUST be defeated and replaced in Arizona. Law must be restored!

UPDATE– Maricopa County said they may release their vote counts at 7 PM tonight.

These people are criminals!

The post LAWLESS KATIE HOBBS: AZ Secretary of State Has Not Updated Primary Results Since 7 AM — She’s Doing TV Hits Instead of her Job — Still 20% of Vote Allegedly Not Counted! …UPDATED appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jim Hoft