LAUGHABLE: CNN’s Jake Tapper Claims Biden’s Done So Much on the ‘Conservative Side of Things’ on the Border (VIDEO)

LAUGHABLE: CNN’s Jake Tapper Claims Biden’s Done So Much on the ‘Conservative Side of Things’ on the Border (VIDEO)

LAUGHABLE: CNN’s Jake Tapper Claims Biden’s Done So Much on the ‘Conservative Side of Things’ on the Border (VIDEO)

CNN is truly beyond parody. Host Jake Tapper recently claimed that Joe Biden has acted on the ‘conservative side of things’ at the border.

Is it conservative to allow 300,000 people to illegally cross the border in a month? Who knew?

After these comments, Jake throws the conversation to a guest who just happens to be a former member of the Biden administration who tries to claim that Republicans are vulnerable on this issue. None of this is grounded in reality at all.

NewsBusters reports:

On Wednesday’s The Lead, CNN host Jake Tapper questioned Speaker Mike Johnson for eleven minutes on the border, persistently pressing him to compromise with Senate Democrats. After that was over, he turned to political analysts: former Bushie Doug Heye and former Biden communications director Kate Bedingfield.

Heye said Biden’s knows he’s in trouble: “They see the same polling that we do, that Biden’s numbers on the border are terrible, and they’re really bad with Hispanics as well, a key demographic that he needs to do very well with.”

What Tapper said next, to Bedingfield, was mystifying:

TAPPER: I know that the position of the Biden White House, which he used to belong to, is that, boy, they’ve done more on the conservative side of things than any Democratic president in recent history, keeping the COVID era rules in for as long as they could, in their view. You know, tightening up asylum laws to the point that they’re being sued, and this is, you know, with a — with a very important Latino base.

Here’s the video:

How does Tapper go on the air and say things like this with a straight face? And how do CNN viewers buy this garbage?

The post LAUGHABLE: CNN’s Jake Tapper Claims Biden’s Done So Much on the ‘Conservative Side of Things’ on the Border (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Mike LaChance