
Jubilee: Pope Francis Declares 2025 a Holy Year Devoted to ‘Hope’ – Rome Braces Itself to Receive 30 Million Visitors

Jubilee: Pope Francis Declares 2025 a Holy Year Devoted to ‘Hope’ – Rome Braces Itself to Receive 30 Million Visitors

Before you know it, the year of our Lord of 2024 is almost halfway through, and we are approaching the Jubilee Year, a quarter-century event that mobilizes the Catholic faithful from around the world.

Ailing Pope Francis will be presiding over the season of events beginning on December 24, 2024, and running through Epiphany on January 6, 2026.

That is: if his health will allow him to. The mere week of Easter events this year proved too much for him.

Globalist Francis has officially launched the Holy Year with an edict filled with his unmistakable Marxist slant that adds a tragic second meaning to the word ‘Papal bull’.

Associated Press reported:

“The Vatican crossed a key milestone Thursday in the runup to its 2025 Jubilee with the promulgation of the official decree establishing the Holy Year. It’s a once-every-quarter-century event that is expected to bring some 32 million pilgrims to Rome and has already brought months of headaches to Romans.

Pope Francis presided over a ceremony in the atrium of St. Peter’s Basilica for the reading of the papal bull, or official edict, that laid out his vision for a year of hope: He asked for gestures of solidarity for the poor, prisoners, migrants and Mother Nature.”

The event kicked off the final run of preparations and public works. Everything has to be ready by Dec. 24, when Francis opens the Saint Peter Basilica’s Holy Door and formally inaugurates the Jubilee.

“In a novelty, Francis announced in the papal bull that he would also open a Holy Door in a prison ‘as a sign inviting prisoners to look to the future with hope and a renewed sense of confidence’.”

Because, of course, Francis needs to bring his ‘novelties’.

Deutsche Welle reported:

“In the official edict, Francis proclaimed that the theme of the celebration would be ‘hope’, and called on wealthy nations to forgive debts owed them by poorer ones, suggesting they, ‘acknowledge the gravity of so many of their past decisions and determine to forgive the debts of countries that will never be able to pay them’.”

Francis also addressed ‘ecological debt’, ‘commercial imbalances’, ‘environment’, ‘disproportionate use of natural resources’. Marxism pure and simple. A watermelon that is ‘green outside but red inside’.

“‘Hope’, said the pontiff during a vigil after the official reading, ‘is needed by God’s creation — gravely damaged and disfigured by human selfishness. Hope is needed by those peoples and nations who look to the future with anxiety and fear’.

The tradition of the Holy Year, which was begun by Pope Boniface VIII in 1300, begins with the pope throwing open the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica and inviting pilgrims to visit the tombs of Saints Peter and Paul. The Jubilee involves indulgences for the forgiveness of sins and requires pilgrims to visit four of the city’s major cathedrals (St. Peter’s, St. John Lateran, St. Mary Major, and St. Paul Outside the Walls).”

The last Great Jubilee was held in 2000, with Pope John Paul II leading the Roman Catholic Church into the third millennium.

Between 30 and 32 million are expected to visit Rome in 2025.

The tourism is a boon for the Church and the city, but Rome is overwhelmed and has outdated infrastructure.

“Notoriously congested, the city is currently one enormous 24-hour construction site — with major infrastructure projects around St. Peter’s but also along the Tiber River, central boulevards and squares — all bringing traffic to a standstill.

Rome stands to receive some €4 billion ($4.3 billion) in public funds (€1.3 billion in special Jubilee funds and €3 billion in public and other EU post-pandemic funds) to complete works aimed at modernizing roads, public transport, subway and telecommunications systems.”

In this Jubilee, perhaps we can all hope for a Pope devoted to the dogma and doctrine of the Church.

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Author: Paul Serran