Joe Biden Signs ‘Pelosi’s Budget Bill’ After 107 House Republicans Join with Democrats in Passing Reckless Continuing Resolution to Avert Government Shutdown, Sidestepping GOP Border Security Demands

Joe Biden Signs ‘Pelosi’s Budget Bill’ After 107 House Republicans Join with Democrats in Passing Reckless Continuing Resolution to Avert Government Shutdown, Sidestepping GOP Border Security Demands

Joe Biden Signs ‘Pelosi’s Budget Bill’ After 107 House Republicans Join with Democrats in Passing Reckless Continuing Resolution to Avert Government Shutdown, Sidestepping GOP Border Security Demands

Photo: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Joe Biden approved the “Nancy Pelosi budget” to avert a government shutdown after 107 Republican members of the House of Representatives broke ranks to join Democrats without a border deal.

Last September, the House of Representatives passed a last-minute bill to keep the government funded for an additional 45 days, narrowly averting a government shutdown that would have commenced at 12:01 a.m. The bill was spearheaded by former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).

With a 335-91 vote, the House approved a 45-day temporary funding measure that excludes border security and $6 billion in funding for Ukraine.

The bill includes provisions for disaster relief funds that likely swayed some Democrats to vote in favor. 90 GOP NOs and 1 Dem NO.

In November, Speaker Johnson devised a “two-part” continuing resolution to prevent a shutdown post-November 17, which was due to the government funding ends.

This resolution split the extension of appropriations bills into two deadlines: it extends the Agriculture, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Energy and Water appropriations bills until January 19, while the remaining bills would be extended until February 2. The appropriation bill notably omitted aid to Ukraine and Israel, as well as an extension of FISA 702 authorities. However, it did extend the expired Farm Bill provisions through September 2024.

With deadlines looming, Johnson struck a long-term spending deal, announcing a $1.590 trillion budget for fiscal 2024, which he stated included significant cuts to Democrat spending priorities earlier this month.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has praised Johnson on this deal, saying, “He’s a very decent, respectful guy, unlike some, who want to be macho and bullying and threatening and all that. He’s not like that.”

Senator James Lankford (R-OK) has been actively promoting a potential border deal, striving to win over his Republican colleagues in both the Senate and the House.

According to FOX News, the deal that Lankford has been negotiating with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer includes several highly divisive elements:

  1. A substantial increase in green cards, adding 50,000 more per year.
  2. Provision of work permits to adult children of H-1B visa holders.
  3. Immediate issuance of work permits to every illegal alien released from custody.
  4. Government-funded legal representation for certain Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) and aliens deemed mentally incompetent.
  5. Allowing the entry of 5,000 immigrants per day into the U.S. or 150,000 per month.
  6. Restricting parole for individuals who enter the country illegally between designated ports of entry.
Source: FOX News

On Thursday, the House of Representatives successfully passed a stopgap funding bill, averting a partial government shutdown that was set to take effect on Friday, Jan. 19th.

The motion was carried with a tally of 314 to 108, with 107 Republicans joining Democrats to vote in favor of the resolution, while 106 Republicans opposed it.

You can view the complete list of Republicans who joined Democrats in their vote here.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer expressed relief and satisfaction with the passing of the bill, stating, “We have good news for America — there will not be a shutdown on Friday.

The Senate approved the bill earlier in the day by a significant margin of 77 to 18.

Speaker Mike Johnson, who had previously pledged to end the use of CRs after one was passed in November, played a crucial role in ensuring the passage of the stopgap funding bill.

The new CR maintains Johnson’s “laddered” strategy of having two separate funding deadlines, extending them from Jan. 19 and Feb. 2 to March 1 and March 8, respectively.

Facing opposition from House GOP members, Johnson had to rely on Democrats to keep the government funded.

“I am voting NO on this turd sandwich of a Continuing Resolution. There’s no demand on the border. No demand to defang the weaponization of government. No sufficient cuts in spending. House Republicans have failed the test of fighting in this moment. In March, we have to continue to try to break the fever,” Rep. Matt Gaetz wrote.

“Today Congress voted to avert a crisis, the government shutdown, by passing Nancy Pelosi’s budget for the 4th time. I voted NO for the 4th time. There are MANY real crises. Ask the American people, they don’t consider avoiding a government shutdown averting a crisis,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene wrote.

“I voted no on last night’s Continuing Resolution. The federal government has a responsibility to do EVERYTHING it can to secure our nation’s borders. Continuing the spending levels & policies of Nancy Pelosi DOES NOT get us to that point. The American people have had enough,” Rep. Byron Donalds wrote.

On Friday, Joe Biden signed the temporary bill to prevent a partial government shutdown that was set to commence at the end of the day, as announced by the White House.


The post Joe Biden Signs ‘Pelosi’s Budget Bill’ After 107 House Republicans Join with Democrats in Passing Reckless Continuing Resolution to Avert Government Shutdown, Sidestepping GOP Border Security Demands appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jim Hᴏft