January 6 Eyewitness Describes False Flags and Police Brutality as Roseanne Boyland was Killed as She Laid Unconscious on the Ground
January 6 Eyewitness Describes False Flags and Police Brutality as Roseanne Boyland was Killed as She Laid Unconscious on the Ground
Originally Published AmericanGulag.org

Photo Courtesy: “The Real Story of Jan. 6,” Epoch Times.
At first, the afternoon of Jan. 6th felt like a “big American tailgate party meets a revival”
After listening to President Trump’s speech, J6 defendant Luke Coffee spent most of his day at the Ellipse. He interviewed many Chinese and Cuban immigrants expressing gratitude for American freedoms. They expressed concern about the slippery slide of communism into American government.
To the Texas filmmaker, their testimonies seemed like great documentary material. His creative juices were flowing, but his camera battery was running low. He felt tired and ready to return to his hotel.
Suddenly, three men in their early twenties ran towards him.
“We need more patriots! We need more patriots!” they screamed frantically.
“People are dying.”
“A woman died inside.”
It seemed uncanny they were 4 or 5 blocks away from the Capitol yet urged others to enter a place they were running from. Coffee had been warned by a comedian friend, Alex Stein-whom he worked with- to watch for false flags.
Fighting back exhaustion, Coffee wanted to ignore the drama. He was there as a documentarian. But heard a small yet firm voice he discerned as the Holy Spirit.
“Go and stand in the gap.”
Coffee obeyed and approached the Lower West Terrace around 4 pm. Something didn’t look right. There were no barricades or fencing to stop people from entering the area. He noticed members of the media strategically placed at key points with high-end cameras. Peaceful protesters singing the Star Spangled Banner were being fired upon by police.
An older gentleman standing in the scaffolding, shouting instructions to the mostly peaceful protesters below:
“Get your weapons!”
“We need to move forward!”
“Go up there!”
The commands continued. More young men-like the three individuals from earlier-parroted remarks to induce others into the Capitol. They didn’t seem to dialogue with others. They repelled people.
“People were agitating a peaceful crowd using confusion and chaos,” Coffee recalled.
“On TV, it looks like a war. It makes it look like the crowd had initiated violence, but they didn’t,” Coffee said.
A twenty-year veteran of the film industry, Coffee felt like he was back in his early days as a producer. He was trained to listen for unskilled actors and eliminate them from casting. These young men wouldn’t have made the cut.
The scene became more bizarre as Coffee observed people like this man walking around in a head wrap.
“It was like they came out of a MASH medical unit,” Coffee said.
In the pressing of the crowd, Coffee bumped into a young man with blood running down his face. He offered to pray for him. As he got closer, he noticed the blood was syrupy in nature and looked like stage blood. He decided to wipe the blood and realized it was fake.
“Are you Antifa?” Coffee interjected.
The man shrugged it off, acting embarrassed. He dispersed into the crowd as Luke warned those around him.
Coffee wasn’t prepared for what he saw next as he walked towards the Upper West Terrace archway. There was a waterfall of people falling down the stairs in response to the gas police released. He and a group of men discussed why they couldn’t allow the situation to get out of hand since more people could potentially die.
He heard women screaming for help underneath a pile of bodies, and kept focused on de-escalating the situation. He knew there were agent provacateurs around him yet wasn’t aware the late Roseanne Boyland was losing her life in the area where he planted his feet. The gas was strong and it was hard to see.
“Go and stand in the gap,” he heard the Holy Spirit say again.
Random objects such as ladders, broken furniture, and hockey sticks were scattered amongst crowd. There was a crutch in the rubble. Coffee used it to position himself between police and protesters. There was a broom thrown at the cops, and the crutch blocked it.
“Stop!,” Coffee said.
“In the name of Jesus, stop,” he said.
He repeated himself at least 8 times, all the while making no sudden movements.
In the video below, you will see at timestamps :19-1:22, 2:21-2:45, and 3:48 how Coffee acted as a nonviolent peacemaker.
In the process, he was struck in the back and elbow by police, including DC Metropolitan Police Officer Lila Morris. Coffee was still blinded by the chemical spray police deployed in his eyes, but continued to stand and act as a wall between both parties. The police couldn’t see he was trying to help them.
As you can see below starting at timestamp 58:43 of The Epoch Times’ “The Real Story of January 6,” Morris eventually misses Coffee and strikes Roseanne Boyland as she is incapacitated on the ground. The stick she used eventually broke over Boyland’s head.
“There’s no attempt on behalf of cops to rescue Roseanne,” Coffee recalls.
Police showed no regard for their own Use Of Force model. They had an obligation to help Roseanne as she was laying on the ground.
“We don’t’ train officers to hit people in the head with a blunt object. It’s to be avoided,” says Stan Kephart, retired Police Chief and former security administrator of the 1984 Olympic Games.
Kephart tells what Morris should have done procedurally in timestamps 57:13-58:31 of the above Epoch interview.
“We teach other targets-arms, legs, things like that. Moreover, officers are not trained to strike a downed person.”
“What [Morris] should have done was handcuffed the individual and rendered first aid.”
By standing and acting as a barrier between police and protesters, Coffee’s actions allowed others to pull Roseanne Boyland away from police and attempt CPR.
While an officer who was present in the tunnel on Jan. 6 later testified in Coffee’s pretrial hearing that he de-escalated the situation, Coffee faces ten criminal charges, including Civil Order and Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers.
His next status hearing takes place this Friday at 2 pm EST before Judge Rudolph Contreras.
Luke feels that God is revealing His purposes during this time by exposing the darkness and lies from that day.
** You can support Luke Coffee and his legal defense as his case moves to trial here.
The post January 6 Eyewitness Describes False Flags and Police Brutality as Roseanne Boyland was Killed as She Laid Unconscious on the Ground appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
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Author: Laura Elizabeth Jenkins and Corinne Cliford