“It’s Never Been This Bad” – Nationwide Homicide Rate Skyrockets to 25-Year High as Murder Clearance Rate Drops to 50-Year Low

“It’s Never Been This Bad” – Nationwide Homicide Rate Skyrockets to 25-Year High as Murder Clearance Rate Drops to 50-Year Low

“It’s Never Been This Bad” – Nationwide Homicide Rate Skyrockets to 25-Year High as Murder Clearance Rate Drops to 50-Year Low

Thanks to the ‘defund the police movement,’ Marxist policies implemented by radical Democrats, and the fraudulent ascension of the Biden Regime, violence in the United States is spiraling out of control with no end in sight.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s violent crimes data for 2020, the nationwide homicide rate was at its highest level in the past 25 years – and, it’s getting worse. The issue isn’t confined to liberal states either, although a significant portion of the increase in crime has come from these areas; every single state had experienced at least a 20-25% increase in homicides compared to 2019.

The nationwide rate shot up 35% and now sits at about 6.1 per 100,000 people, an analysis from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed. In raw numbers, the ‘historic’ increase was from 14,392 to 19,350 in just one year.

To make matters worse, the most recent data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shows that the murder clearance rate (the share of cases each year that are solved) absolutely cratered in 2020, falling to its lowest point in over 50 years. Now, it’s essentially a “coin flip,” as nearly half of US murders go unsolved.

The situation has “never been this bad,” according to the director of a prominent advocacy group.

From CBS:

“It’s a 50-50 coin flip,” says Thomas Hargrove, who runs the Murder Accountability Project, which tracks unsolved murders nationwide. “It’s never been this bad. During the last seven months of 2020, most murders went unsolved. That’s never happened before in America.” 

Unbelievably, the current statistics only encapsulate up to 2020, which is when the mayhem really began ramping up due to Covid lockdowns and the summer of George Floyd riots. In the nearly two years since America’s violent crime problem has gotten markedly worse under Biden’s failed leadership.

Is it any wonder that newer data isn’t available yet? We all know the Biden regime is incompetent but wow… the data for 2021 should be out by now (the fiscal year ends in October). How much longer do they need?

Nevertheless, the crime issue continues to progressively worsen no matter how much they drag their feet. According to the Epoch Times, 2022 could be the most damning year yet as a result, as several traditionally low-crime areas are now being overwhelmed with criminals.

From The Epoch Times:

“2022 does not seem to bode well for Americans either. Violence is spilling into the younger generations, with teenagers and young adults becoming perpetrators to the year’s most horrific mass shootings so far.

Violence-rampant areas are also seeing increased rates of violence while spreading into new areas that have normally had lower rates of violent crimes.

Though two years of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns have likely contributed to the growing social unrest, the widespread violent crimes that are appearing in the United States like a growing infection require a closer evaluation to identify if there are other causes which the pandemic may have exacerbated.”

Not even a full year and a half into Joe Biden’s fraudulent Presidency, crime is so out of control that the United States has regressed all the way back to the violence-ridden 90s as the left continues to embolden criminals and hamper law enforcement.

Just over the past few months alone, Americans have witnessed a spate of horrific mass casualty attacks (Waukesha, NYC Subway, Uvalde, and others) by unhinged individuals, many of whom have been openly radicalized by the Marxist left. Furthermore, criminals are running wild across the country, terrorizing communities with violent assaults, smash-and-grab robberies, vehicle theft, and other serious crimes.

All that, plus those “peaceful” rioters, such as ANTIFA, BLM, and other leftist foot soldiers, who have been causing mayhem, destruction, and even death everywhere they go. Oh, and millions of unvetted illegal invaders coming across the border – who even knows the crimes they have been committing in this lawless free-for-all.

In other words, Joe Biden’s America is a haven for criminals. A restoration of Constitutional law and order is severely needed.

The post “It’s Never Been This Bad” – Nationwide Homicide Rate Skyrockets to 25-Year High as Murder Clearance Rate Drops to 50-Year Low appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Julian Conradson