It Was the Thrill of a Lifetime to Be Endorsed by President Trump – Dan Cox Running for Governor in Maryland

It Was the Thrill of a Lifetime to Be Endorsed by President Trump – Dan Cox Running for Governor in Maryland

It Was the Thrill of a Lifetime to Be Endorsed by President Trump – Dan Cox Running for Governor in Maryland

Maryland candidates want to bring freedom back to the state.  After years of insane mandates and unconstitutional actions by the state leadership, candidates are pushing an America-first agenda. 

President Trump is backing Dan Cox for governor in Maryland.

Steve Bannon had Cox on the War Room today.  Cox who is running for governor is in a primary coming soon.  He shared that he was thrilled with President Trump’s endorsement.  It was the endorsement of a lifetime.  His top contender is backed by the RINO governor in the state who hates President Trump and votes like a Democrat.

Listen to the entire interview below.

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Author: Joe Hoft