
Frank Pavone: President Trump’s Statement on Abortion Policy Paves Way for a Culture of Life in a Divided Nation

Frank Pavone: President Trump’s Statement on Abortion Policy Paves Way for a Culture of Life in a Divided Nation

Frank Pavone

Guest Post by Pro-life Leader Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

President Donald Trump today made his long-awaited statement on how he would pursue abortion policy once he is re-elected.

I was happy with the announcement because it was honest, it clears the way for a frank debate about abortion and I am confident it will ultimately – provided Americans return him to the White House – lead to abortion being abolished.

The statement was consistent with what he has been saying all along and what I have been saying: we will work for policies that will help women have their babies, we will expose the extremism of the Democrats on abortion, and we will continue to work with the American people to use the legislative process to set abortion policy.

As I said in my remarks recently at Mar-a-Lago, President Trump has been, and will be again, the most pro-life president our country has seen. He has not wavered on any of the pro-life positions or executive actions he has taken (including depriving the abortion industry of federal funds), or judges he has appointed, and we will again see such progress in a second term.

President Trump is rightly proud of his role in the reversal of Roe v. Wade. Roe blocked the American people from protecting the unborn. Now, we can protect them again, and are doing so.

By invoking ‘the will of the people,’ President Trump is pointing to the fact that courts are not here to impose a dogma of abortion-on-demand. Rather, the courts should step out of the way so that the people can have an open and honest debate about abortion. That’s what we will continue to do.

President Trump’s announcement today on Truth Social calls to mind the drafting of the U.S. Constitution at a time when slavery was still legal. The Founders understood they could not get the Constitution ratified if it contained an absolute anti-slavery position. They needed to get the nation started.

But with the Constitution they did adopt, they put in place the very mechanism by which slavery was in fact ultimately abolished.

We’re at that same moment now.

President Trump is taking a similar stance to the one taken by the Founders. They had to start a nation; we have to save the nation by winning this election. Right now we have a nation divided on abortion. But by saving the nation itself from destruction by the Democrats – by saving the Constitution, free and fair elections, freedom of speech and religion, and by stopping the extremism of the Democrats on abortion — we will in fact preserve the very mechanism by which we can continue to build a culture of life.

I thank the President for his statement but I don’t expect him to do my job; I expect him to do his. My job and the job of the pro-life movement is to lay out the moral absolute of the right to life, which does not admit of compromise. No abortion can ever be justified.

Pro-life leaders, meeting recently for strategic planning, issued this joint statement that reflects the pro-life work that needs to be done in the next seven months.

We look forward to continuing to work together with President Trump and countless citizens to leading our nation to ever greater fidelity to its founding principle that governments are instituted precisely to preserve the unalienable right to life.

The post Frank Pavone: President Trump’s Statement on Abortion Policy Paves Way for a Culture of Life in a Divided Nation appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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