Fire Alarm Goes Off As RFK Jr. Exposes Military Industrial Complex In Candidacy Announcement (VIDEO)

Fire Alarm Goes Off As RFK Jr. Exposes Military Industrial Complex In Candidacy Announcement (VIDEO)

Fire Alarm Goes Off As RFK Jr. Exposes Military Industrial Complex In Candidacy Announcement (VIDEO)

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier on Wednesday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. officially announced he’s running for president in front of a packed out crowd at the Plaza Hotel In Boston.

Early in his speech Kennedy called for Americans to come together as Americans did in the 1770s and stand up against “the corrupt merger of  “state and corporate power.”


After announcing his candidacy, Kennedy gave a heart felt speech about how his father Robert F. Kennedy was able to unite people around the country despite being shunned by the DNC and other major Democrat power players during his 1968 presidential campaign.

Later in his speech, Kennedy exposed the Industrial Military Complex and stated his uncle President John F. Kennedy discovered after the Bay of Pigs that “the function of the intelligence agencies had become to provide the military industrial complex with a constant pipeline of war.”

Robert Kennedy Jr. continued  to say  after the Bay of Pigs fiasco President Kennedy came out and said “I want to take the CIA and shatter it into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind.”

As the newly announced Democratic presidential candidate was transitioning his speech to talk about how the Chinese are spending money to build bridges and roads across the world while neocons in the United States have been bombing them in the Middle East the fire alarm mysteriously went off.


Reuters recorded Robert Kennedy’s entire speech, you can watch it here:

The post Fire Alarm Goes Off As RFK Jr. Exposes Military Industrial Complex In Candidacy Announcement (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Anthony Scott