EXCLUSIVE: Maricopa County Republican Chair Responds To Gateway Pundit Report and Criticism Over 2022 Ballot Signature Challengers: “One Level Of The Party Is For It And The Other Against It.” – Trumpers v. Never-Trumpers
EXCLUSIVE: Maricopa County Republican Chair Responds To Gateway Pundit Report and Criticism Over 2022 Ballot Signature Challengers: “One Level Of The Party Is For It And The Other Against It.” – Trumpers v. Never-Trumpers

Maricopa County Full Forensic Audit
Maricopa County Republican Committee Chairwoman Mickie Niland released a statement responding to The Gateway Pundit’s article, which revealed Maricopa County’s failure to appoint poll signature challengers in the 2022 Primary Election.
The Gateway Pundit recently reported that MASSIVE voter fraud is expected in Arizona, and the Maricopa County Republican Party has ignored requests from the State Party to appoint early ballot signature challengers.
In the statement, Chairwoman Niland admitted that she received the request from the Arizona GOP on July 7th, then claimed that she did not have time to decide. In reality, she had almost two weeks to make the appointment.
Sources told The Gateway Pundit, “At first she said she would think about it and blew us off for several days, and then she actually did say ‘no.’”
Early voting in the primary election already started on July 6th. A poll challenger needs to be appointed immediately.
Niland then claims that she is “caught between two different legal opinions on what the proper course of action is in this situation.” However, Arizona Revised Statutes 16-552 allows County Chairs to designate at least one party representative to act as an early ballot challenger for the party.
The Maricopa County GOP has never used its legal authority to secure elections with an early ballot challenger.
How come?
Niland continues, “One level of the political party is for it and the other against it.”
This is the truth! The Doug Ducey-John McCain Establishment wing of Arizona’s Republican Party is anti-election integrity, but the MAGA Donald Trump Republicans demand free and fair elections.
RNC National Committeeman Tyler Bowyer put it best: Donald J. Trump, Ron Desantis and Mike Pompeo v. Mike Pence, Doug Ducey and Brian Kemp.
You are either on the side of the GOP that is with Trump, DeSantis and Pompeo or you’re on the side of the GOP with Pence, Ducey and Kemp. Pretty much where we are at in most primaries.
— Tyler Bowyer
(@tylerbowyer) July 20, 2022
The Primary Election is on August 2nd. The Democrat-RINO Establishment is already organizing to rig another election and steal it from America First patriots. The Gateway Pundit recently reported on huge mail-in ballot discrepancies that were discovered in one Arizona county.
Without a poll challenger, all ballots will be accepted again, regardless of their legitimacy.
The Gateway Pundit received a copy of Niland’s email statement.
My statement regarding the Gateway Pundit article
July 20, 2022
In early July, Alex Kolodin an attorney representing the AZGOP called me to discuss the signature challenger
role. On July 7th the AZGOP staff sent an official letter to the County Party Chairs with a written statement
and information from one of their attorney’s. I left for a family reunion on July 7th and returned on July 10th. I
came down with Covid a few days after my return. Monday, July 18th was the first day I resumed
regular activities. I have made no decision regarding a signature challenger appointment.I am caught between two different legal opinions on what the proper course of action is in this situation. One
level of the political party is for it and the other against it. Although they different vastly in their advice they
are equally passionate that their position is correct. Isn’t it grand to be caught between disagreeing entities?! I
find it extremely frustrating and confusing to feel caught in a tug of war, where the trusted sources of
information disagree, stakes are high and the consequences are weighty.I am receiving emails from voters who are confused, concerned and angry.
I would like to clarify a few points.
*I HAVE appointed signature verification poll observers at MCTEC every day and will continue to do so.
*The signature challenger role is different from a poll observer.
*Yes, I care about Election Integrity and work on it every day. As of last night we now have over 2k of
poll observers.
* There is more to this issue than you might initially think and strong reasons on each side to consider.
* Emails, swearing at me etc will not convince me that your opinion is correct.Mickie Niland
Maricopa County Republican Committee
Contact Mickie Niland to demand election transparency using a Republican Party-appointed poll challenger.
The post EXCLUSIVE: Maricopa County Republican Chair Responds To Gateway Pundit Report and Criticism Over 2022 Ballot Signature Challengers: “One Level Of The Party Is For It And The Other Against It.” – Trumpers v. Never-Trumpers appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
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Author: Jordan Conradson