EXCLUSIVE: Here’s What J6 Political Prisoner Ethan Nordean Told The Gateway Pundit Moments Before He Was Found Guilty By The Antifa-Loving Jury (VIDEO)
EXCLUSIVE: Here’s What J6 Political Prisoner Ethan Nordean Told The Gateway Pundit Moments Before He Was Found Guilty By The Antifa-Loving Jury (VIDEO)
Hours before jurors deliberated a verdict convicting the Proud Boys of seditious conspiracy, J6 political prisoner Ethan Nordean detailed how the US government conspired to incriminate the pro-Trump group months leading up to January 6.
“Generally speaking, we had a large number of undercover individuals — I am not going to get into too many details because I really don’t know what I’m allowed to say … but what’s public and what’s been spoken about in trial, we had multiple, multiple human sources from different agencies, local Metropolitan, FBI, and who knows what else and it’s pretty disturbing,” Nordean told the Gateway Pundit in a call using a tablet from his solitary confinement cell.
“It’s pretty disturbing hearing a lot of the things that occurred and the length to which the FBI has gone to lie, to manipulate.”
The government contends Nordean, along with four other members of the Proud Boys tried on the seditious conspiracy trial, — Army veteran Zachary Rehl and Marine Corp. veteran Dominic Pezzola, the group’s national leaders Enrique Tarrio, a former GOP congressional candidate, and decorated Staff Sgt. Joseph Biggs — began orchestrating a 9/11-like terror attack months prior to January 6 in an attempt to violently overthrow the government.
The Justice Department invested years in scouring through over 500,000 messages obtained from the defendants’ devices, social media pages and exchanges in online chat rooms in an effort to make its case.
Still, week after week during the trial that spanned 51 days, the longest of any J6 trial, conniving prosecutors failed to prove there was ever a premeditated plan contrived by any patriot to storm the Capitol.
Prosecutors pitched the narrative about the Proud Boys, a Trump-supporting fraternity that became infamous for protecting innocent bystanders from Antifa, propagated by the mainstream media to make their case to the weak-minded jurors, not the facts, Nordean argued.
“The government would like to show everybody that we are very sneaky and we ‘hide our chats’ in these encrypted Telegram messages,” he said. “But really, we really don’t hide anything. We are pretty unorganized when it really comes down to it. We like to have fun and we kind of just show everything right off the back if you are in the chats. It’s nothing special.
“So, the fact that they were in these chats and were with us on the ground they would know everything, they would know everything that is apparently alleged as well to be false.”
It is increasingly evident there were HUNDREDS of undercover government operatives working inside the crowds on J6 and directing the criminal conduct.
One of the FBI’s Confidential Human Sources, government spies, who testified during trial risked government reprisal after leaking “highly sensitive” documents to TGP to blow the whistle on the bureau’s ploy to frame The Proud Boys with sedition.
The CHS, James Ehren Knowles, was with members of the Kansas chapter of the Proud Boys on Jan. 6
According to the documents, Knowles reported to the FBI, “There are no plans for violence, ” the Proud Boys “were not involved in, nor did they inspire the breaking of the barriers at the Capitol building” and “it was not organized.” He described the Capitol breach “as the crowd doing it as a “herd mentality,” and said the Proud Boys made clear, “The only violence will be self-defense from Antifa or other leftist groups” and “The rally attendees would only resort to violence to defend themselves.
Knowles also told the FBI, the group used “Telegram and possibly other end-to-end encrypted communication platforms to communicate” primarily “to avoid leftist group detection, not law enforcement.”
The government concedes at least eight Confidential Human Sources were embedded within the Proud Boys ahead of the Capitol riot. But it’s still unclear the extent the government went to frame.
The only document distributed amongst the Proud Boys blueprinting an actual strategy for January 6, titled “1776 Returns,” was created by the FBI. The feds disseminated the document and convinced members of the Proud Boys, including its whistleblower Jeremy Bertino, that Tarrio created the document.
If the defendants were actually plotting a terror attack, wouldn’t the CHSs have taken measures to prevent the 9/11-type “insurrection” and stopped the Proud Boys from “violently overthrowing the federal government” before January 6?
“The fact that they lied to Jeremy Bertino about the 1776 document” exposes how desperate the government is to incarcerate innocent men for the rest of their lives, Nordean admonished. “If you’ve read the document, it talks about sit-ins, kind of peaceful protesting and it’s nothing really that alleges what we did, so I don’t how they’re tying it together, but it’s a very sloppy argument.
“When the FBI does investigations on people, and they get indicted, they usually have a significant amount of time where they’ve already investigated these individuals that have already been indicted. But for us, they indicted us and then started their investigation,” he continued. “I think that they probably assumed that they would find more and didn’t.”
Abridging the First Amendment, the government claimed text messages exchanged amongst the Proud Boys as far back as 2019 in which they were trash-talking Antifa demonstrated the group’s “radicalization” and indicates they were conspiring to storm the Capitol.

The whole thing makes no sense, Nordean exclaimed.
“After all the nearly half a million messages they sifted through, they still have absolutely nothing. So, it’s all insinuation… held together with rubber bands and tape,” he said. “It’s gotten to the point where we are actually confused as to what we are talking about. I think the jury feels the same way. I know I do.
“Bringing up messages from years ago, where we are talking about events prior to January 6 leading up to our ‘radicalization.’ I fail to see how anything connects. And it’s pretty disappointing, I expected more from the government.”
Defying common sense, on Thursday morning, hyper-partisan left-wing jurors found Nordean, Tarrio, Biggs and Rehl guilty of Seditious Conspiracy, which carries a statutory maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and financial penalties.
They were also found guilty of Conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, Obstruction of an official proceeding and aiding abetting, Conspiracy to prevent an officer from discharging any duties, Obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder and aiding and abetting, and Destruction of government property.
Pezzola is the only defendant found not guilty of the conspiracy charges. He joined the Proud Boys just 30 days prior to January 6 and met the Tarrio, Biggs, Rehl, and Nordean for the first time during trial. He was found guilty of robbery and assault for using a police shield for protection as cops fired sting balls at the crowds’ faces and broke a window.
Every juror admitted, when vetted during jury selection, that they are supporters of Antifa, Black Lives Matter and attended the Women’s March and characterized the Proud Boys as “white supremacists,” despite the Cuban ethnicity of Tarrio, the group’s national leader and the group’s largely Hispanic membership.
The ten attorneys representing the defendants pleaded with presiding Judge Timothy Kelly to relocate the trial to a district where the jury pool isn’t comprised of employees of the federal government and a 92 percent voting rate for Joe Biden comprised of employees of the federal government. But Kelly, whose wife works for Democrat DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, repeatedly refused.
The defense is strategizing a path to appeal in another state. Judge Timothy Kelly was alerted that Antifa and “sedition hunters” are purportedly stalking jurors and the defense attorneys. Kelly addressed the allegations during a sealed hearing. The unreported intimidation tactics employed by Antifa throughout the trial may pave the path for relocation of the appeal.
Nordean and his four “brothers” have been caged in solitary confinement at the Alexandria Detention Facility 22 hours a day for over two years. Nordean is slated to be transferred to a jail in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania as early as next week until he and the other defendants are sentenced in August. They will then be transferred to a maximum-security federal penitentiary alongside serial killers and rapists.
The appeal process will take approximately two years. The defendants and their families, who have spent the past 5 months in Washington DC to observe the kangaroo court, are weary about how they will be able to continue to afford the litigation against the federal government.
** Please donate to Ethan Nordean’s GiveSendGo to help him win an appeal and return home to his wife and daughter. ***
The US government waged war against the American people on January 6 after Biden successfully stole the election.
Attorneys representing the Proud Boys, the few in the country who have full access to the 44,000 hours of surveillance footage the government refuses to publicly disclose, contend there is overwhelming evidence that confirms “J6 was an organized government plot.”
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Author: Alicia Powe