
EXCLUSIVE: Congressman Jeff Van Drew Speaks to The Gateway Pundit During Trump’s MASSIVE Mega Rally in Wildwood, NJ: “America is Going to Be Born Again, Man”

EXCLUSIVE: Congressman Jeff Van Drew Speaks to The Gateway Pundit During Trump’s MASSIVE Mega Rally in Wildwood, NJ: “America is Going to Be Born Again, Man”

President Donald J. Trump speaks to over 100,000 supporters in Wildwood, New Jersey

Congressman Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ), the Chairman of Trump’s presidential campaign in New Jersey, spoke to The Gateway Pundit on Saturday during President Trump’s mega rally, which reportedly drew over 100,000 supporters to Wildwood Beach in New Jersey.

Original estimates for the event’s crowd size were a staggering 40,000. However, as The Gateway Pundit reported, Rep. Van Drew later revealed that 100,000 supporters signed up for tickets!

LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Speaks to MASSIVE Crowd of Estimated 100,000 in Wildwood, NJ – “LARGEST POLITICAL RALLY IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY HISTORY”

During his speech at the rally, Van Drew called it the "largest political rally in the state of New Jersey history." Roger Stone added on X that it was "perhaps the largest and greatest rally in US political history:

More from Dan Scavino on X:

Van Drew told The Gateway Pundit that these people are "tired of it all" from the Biden Regime, and New Jersey will be Trump country in 2024.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Trump is even making a comeback in the polls in New York, a state where Democrats have won by double digits in every presidential election since 1988! As The Gateway Pundit reported, President Trump declared, during his speech, that he is “going to officially play” and win in blue states like New Jersey, Minnesota, and Virginia.

Prior to the President's speech and before the actual number of attendees was known, Congressman Van Drew spoke to The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson to share what this massive rally and Biden's failed agenda means for New Jersey in 2024.

Watch below:

Conradson: There's got to be more than 40,000 people here. Do you think Joe Biden could ever pull a crowd like this in any state?

Van Drew: Never. These are people who believe in America. They're here because they believe in American exceptionalism. They believe in the shining city on the hill. They are not here to save the Republican Party. They are here to save the very Republic itself. They're people, men and women from across the gamut, all walks of society, all endeavors, but they believe in this great country, and so do I. And you know what they know? They know that Donald Trump does as well. They want to save us, and that's what we're doing today. It’s a great day; feel the energy. I wish everybody, there's so many people here, but you can feel the Americanism and the American exceptionalism and the joy and the love that's here today.

Conradson: We saw this just four years ago, the same venue, the same type of crowd. I saw up here it says “New Jersey is Trump Country.” Is that going to reign true here in 2024?

Van Drew: It's gonna reign true. Recent polls have shown that Donald Trump is closing in. People here are paying high taxes, they're tired of it. They're tired of open borders and illegals coming in and using our resources up. They're tired of the corruption in the Biden administration. They are tired of people trying to take Donald Trump and remove him from the ballot, trying to impeach him, trying to phony up law cases against him that aren't true. They're just tired of it all. They want a fair election, and they want to save America.

Conradson: Speaking of illegal immigration, I come from Arizona, where we have illegals all over the place. I never expected to see it out here in New Jersey, in New York, you know, flooding the streets, stealing the taxpayers dollars. What do the people of New Jersey think about the illegals that are overrunning their state under Biden's watch?

Van Drew: They know that is money that would go to take care of veterans, that money that would go to put into our Social Security fund, that would go into Medicare, that would go into our defense — all good things. That money is going to illegal immigrants to pay for their transportation, to pay for their housing, to pay for their medical care, and in some cases to subsidize their college education. People can't afford to educate their own kids, and they're working two and three jobs. Come on! I believe in America, and it is America first. That's a great thing. And it's good. You know what? They try to make MAGA a bad thing. MAGA, Make America Great Again. What the hell was wrong with that? That is great. America is great. America is a gift from God. Look around you, look at these big blue skies, look at the beautiful ocean off the east coast here. God has given us a gift. Let us not squander it. Let us keep it.

Conradson: And we see what they're trying to do with Trump, trying to take him off the ballot, trying to put him in prison. What kind of impact is that having on the voters in New Jersey? Do they see through the noise?

Van Drew: I think they do see through the noise. There is a backlash. They tried to impeach him; it didn't work. Then they tried to take him off the ballot; totally illegal and didn't work. I guess they learned that from Putin in Russia. Then they are trying now to really create these phony cases that are nothing burgers. There's nothing there. But they're just trying to stop him from being able to campaign. They are deathly afraid of telling the truth. They don't want to hear the truth. They don't want the swamp and the cesspool that's Washington, DC, to be revealed. But we're going to reveal it. America is going to be born again, man. We are going to fight to make sure that we keep this Republic.

The post EXCLUSIVE: Congressman Jeff Van Drew Speaks to The Gateway Pundit During Trump’s MASSIVE Mega Rally in Wildwood, NJ: “America is Going to Be Born Again, Man” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jordan Conradson