EXCLUSIVE – AZ State Senator Jake Hoffman: Rumors That Katie Hobbs Is Prepping Executive Order “To Force Teachers And STUDENTS In Public Schools To Use The Gender Pronoun Of Someone’s Choice” (VIDEO)
EXCLUSIVE – AZ State Senator Jake Hoffman: Rumors That Katie Hobbs Is Prepping Executive Order “To Force Teachers And STUDENTS In Public Schools To Use The Gender Pronoun Of Someone’s Choice” (VIDEO)

Katie Hobbs
In an exclusive interview with The Gateway Pundit, Arizona State Senator and Arizona Freedom Caucus Chairman Jake Hoffman discussed the AZ Freedom Caucus’ incoming lawsuit against Katie Hobbs’ “tyrannical” executive orders, Republican defiance of The Hobbs regime, and potential investigations into 2022 Election fraud.
Just moments after she was sworn into office on Monday, January 2, Hobbs signed her gender-affirming “Protecting Employment Opportunity,” and she signed four Executive Orders in her first week in office. As we reported, the group of legislators announced plans to sue the de facto Hobbs Administration for her “unconstitutional” Executive Orders.
Hoffman also told The Gateway Pundit that he heard “a rumor that there’s an executive order coming down the pipe to force teachers and students in our public schools to use the gender pronoun of someone’s choice, not the gender pronoun of their actual birth certificate, not whether they’re a boy or a girl.”
If true, this would be exactly what would be expected. The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Katie Hobbs’ husband is a child therapist for “transgender children,” and he is named in an explosive lawsuit brought against the State by the parents of a 10-year-old transgender child in 2020, according to documents reviewed by The Daily Wire. Hobbs’ husband, Patrick Goodman, is listed as a provider in the Phoenix Children’s Hospital’s “gender support program” serving “gender diverse” and transgender youth.
Katie Hobbs previously showed support for youth transgender surgery amid new Arizona laws prohibiting children from receiving permanent gender reassignment surgery and boys from participating in girls’ sports.
This is the woman who is now running the State of Arizona after a highly questionable election that is still going through numerous legal battles.
On Election Day in Maricopa County, over 50% of tabulators and printers failed the moment that polls opened, causing voters to be turned away from the polls and creating long wait times of four hours or more. According to cybersecurity expert Clay Parikh’s testimony, this was an intentional act aimed at disenfranchising Republican voters who turned out 3:1 for Trump-Endorsed candidates. This likely may have robbed the election from Kari Lake, Abe Hamadeh, and other Republican candidates.
Read the latest updates on Kari Lake and Abe Hamadeh’s historic election challenges!
When asked about potential investigations into election law violations by Katie Hobbs and Maricopa County in 2022, Hoffman said the incoming legislature will get to the bottom of “exactly how they occurred in the first place, was it negligence, was it malfeasance? Those are all questions that have to be answered.”
These Election questions and Katie Hobbs’ authoritarian actions led Arizona Freedom Caucus members and Republican legislators to turn their backs on Katie Hobbs and walk out of her yearly State of the State address Monday. “We’re not pawns in her theater of a State of the State,” said Hoffman.
Hoffman also said the Republicans protested Katie Hobbs because she does not “represent the average Arizonan.”
Katie Hobbs previously called Republicans in Arizona “neo-nazis.”
She has a history of disgusting Tweets.
Watch the full interview below.
Conradson: The Freedom Caucus announced a lawsuit against Katie Hobbs. What can you tell me about that? What’s the status?
Hoffman: Well, so Jordan, here’s the deal. Look, Katie Hobbs came into office. She ran a basement campaign to try and earn the seat right. And the first thing she does right out of the gate is she starts dropping executive order after executive order after executive order; three in just her first week, and we’re hearing rumors that there are dozens more already being slated and cued to come. And so the reality is that the American form of government and our system of government here in Arizona is not about executives being able to rule over the people by executive fiat. The legislature is the branch of government that’s supposed to create the laws. And unfortunately, Katie Hobbs believes she’s above the law and is going to rule us by executive order, and that’s simply not the right way to do it. It’s completely wrong. And when you look at her woke agenda, the types of things that she’s evaluating. Right now, we’re hearing a rumor that there’s an executive order coming down the pipe to force teachers and students in our public schools to use the gender pronoun of someone’s choice, not the gender pronoun of their actual birth certificate, not whether they’re a boy or a girl, which we all know is a scientific fact that there are two genders, male and female. She wants to force speech on to people in this state. And so, the Arizona Freedom Caucus, we announced that we’re filing a lawsuit in the coming days so that we can curb her use of executive fiat to push a radical woke agenda on the people of Arizona.
Conradson: This is one of the reasons why the Republicans walked out in the State of the State, they turned their backs to Katie Hobbs. What can you tell me about that? Was that something you guys planned or did it just happen?
Hoffman: Well, listen, Katie Hobbs has referred to Republicans in the state of Arizona as Neo Nazis. She, you know, Adrian Fontes, the woke Secretary of State, the extreme Marxist who occupies our top elections officer position, has referred to Republicans as MAGA fascists. These people are extreme, they do not represent the average Arizonan. And so you know, we did, we saw a number of Arizona Freedom Caucus members as well as other members of the Republican Party here in the legislature that did. They walked out on Katie Hobbs when she started talking about election denialism and referring to people as fascists, when she mentioned that she wanted a pro-abortion agenda that went all the way up until the very moment of delivery. That’s not something that the people of Arizona want. When she started talking about her woke policies, you know, when it comes to gender ideology and things like that. We’re not pawns in her theater of a State of the State. And so when she said things, policy items that we vehemently disagreed with, you know, in fact, like expanding the homeless problem that exists all around the Capitol, you can drive down the street, and you just see tents upon tents of homeless people. She wants to make that problem worse, not better. And so, we simply refused to sit idly by while she pushed an agenda on the state of Arizona that doesn’t reflect the will of the voters.
Conradson: is there any plan for the Arizona Senate to investigate or audit the midterm election because there’s all these issues in Maricopa County and Katie Hobbs oversaw her own election? What do you have on that?
Hoffman: Well, so I chair the government committee. In the Arizona Senate. We have Wendy Rogers, who I know you guys know. She chairs the Elections Committee. And so look, there will be a heavy component of oversight and investigations into kind of every level of government. Contractual compliance, are the vendors that are serving the county government, Maricopa County, are they actually providing the services that they say they’re going to provide? From an election standpoint, I’m sure Wendy will be looking into some of these things. And so the reality is, yes, there will be oversight and investigations, and we have to hold these other levels of government accountable. That means holding Katie Hobbs accountable too. And so we’re going to be looking at all of those things. As we move into session, we’ll be having presentations from everything from the governor’s office to our public universities, and making sure that we’re holding them accountable to following the law. And look, the reality is when it comes to the 2022 election, Attorney General Brnovich, in November, already laid out systemic violations of Arizona election law, and so we’ve got to get to the bottom of not only you know what those violations were exactly how they occurred in the first place was it negligence, was it malfeasance? Those are all questions that have to be answered. And the only people who can do that is the Arizona Legislature and the Republicans who control it.
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Author: Jordan Conradson